ひさうちみちお 託卵について Michio Hisauchi About egg custody


hello. This is Michio Hisauchi's masterpiece. It was serialized in Gallo from 1988 to 1990. Michio Hisauchi's "The case of Mr. Yamamoto's grandfather" appeared in "Japanese Short Manga Masterpiece Collection 5", and after that I became interested in Michio Hisauchi again, so I bought it on Amazon. The story is about an ethnic minority called Kakko, and deals with discrimination issues, but the pictures are more wonderful than the story.What is wonderful is the exquisiteness of the contrast between black and white in one frame, comparable to that of Akira Toriyama. The lines are also unique, but it's amazing that you have established that sense of design and that image that you can't think of as a Japanese manga. Good as a manga is that the perspective of the drawing is taken, but more than that, it is also possible to draw attractive lines.In Japan, when you try to raise the quality, you tend to go in the direction of drawing in, but Michio Hisauchi, on the contrary, went in the direction of keeping reality while omitting it, so to speak, in the direction of saving energy. I feel that Recently, I've come to think that it might not be necessary to draw in the background.