大白小蟹 うみべのストーブについて Ooshiro Kogani About the seaside stove


Hello. I was a little happy to know that it was published in 2022. I'm glad that there was a recent manga artist with such good taste. Somehow I feel like Fumiko Takano. I did some research on her, but she seems to have made her debut recently, so there isn't much information about her gender, so I don't know her gender, but when I read "Before you become transparent" (2022) and "hold the snow" (2022), she's female. I wondered.I wrote that it has a good sense, but what does that mean? The unrealistic settings of the title works such as "seaside stove" (2021) and "Yukiko's Summer" (2022) are approachable, yet at the same time, they move us in a way that is not overbearing. However, what I personally thought was the best sense was that although it was a recent work, I didn't feel the influence of the coronavirus.I don't know if this was intentional or if it happened to be an idea I had in mind before, but I definitely think this is the correct value for the work. I believe that the writer's spiritual world should be a universal and inviolable sanctuary. If you think that only "Snow City" (2018) has a different touch, it seems that only this work was produced in 2018. When I catch a glimpse of the transition of manga artist's paintings, I feel that it will be like this.In recent years, digital drawing has become popular, and I think that it is evolving in a direction that is conscious of blank spaces and spaces rather than detailed drawings. I think it has something to do with being able to digitally process things that took a long time to draw by hand.