原田眞人監督作品 わが母の記について Directed by Masato Harada About Chronicle of my mother

こんにちは。原田眞人役所広司目当てで観ていたときに「関ヶ原」(2017)、「日本のいちばん長い日」(2015 )とかを観ました。本作の撮影監督が黒沢清も多く、というか「LOFT」(2006)以降の作品の撮影監督を殆ど務めている芦澤明子です。この映画は以前観たときとかなり違う観方をしました。まず取り扱っているアイデアが面白いです。認知症の母親、作家であることのエゴイズムなどはそれだけで面白いモチーフです。そこに美しい映像があって、役者の小気味良い演技があります。実は今回観て引っ掛かったのはその演技のテンポの良さについてです。編集も細かくカットを割っていてあまりにもテンポが良すぎます。映画だからそれは良いのではないかと思いますが、いやこれがアニメーションならばそれでも良いのです。ですが実写映画では間を取って欲しいのです。何故なのかはっきりとは分かりませんが、一つはそれだと役者の力が見えないから、ということがあります。宮崎あおいの酔っ払う演技は少し下手でした。というか酔っ払う演技自体かなり難しく、得てして過剰な演技になります。これを上手く演れる人は志村けんくらいでしょう。いやそれくらいコメディタッチになってしまうので、元々コメディアンである人の方が上手かったりします。監督の原田眞人は調べてみるとかなり高齢のベテランでした。映画の感性が若い感じがしたのでもっと若いかと思っていました。

hello. Masato Harada saw "Sekigahara" (2017) and "Japan's Longest Day" (2015) when he was watching for Koji Yakusho. Kiyoshi Kurosawa was the director of photography for this film, and Akiko Ashizawa has been the director of photography for most of the films since LOFT (2006). This movie looked very different from the last time I saw it. First of all, the ideas you are dealing with are interesting. cognition A mother with dementia and the selfishness of being a writer are interesting motifs in themselves. There are beautiful images there, and the actors have a good performance. Actually, what caught my eye when I watched it this time was the goodness of the acting tempo. The editing is also finely divided into cuts and the tempo is too good. I think it's good because it's a movie, but no, if it's animation, that's fine. But in the live-action movie, I want you to take a break.I don't know exactly why, but one reason is that I can't see the power of the actors. Aoi Miyazaki's drunken acting was a little poor. Or rather, her acting to get drunk itself is quite difficult, and she often ends up acting excessively. The only person who can play this well is Ken Shimura. No, it's a comedy touch, so people who are originally comedians are better at it.The director, Masato Harada, was quite an old veteran when I looked into it. I thought he was younger because the sensibility of the movie made me feel young.



It was a very different movie than when I saw it before. To be more specific, the mother played by Kirin Kiki was actually pretty dumb from the beginning, and I misunderstood that it was a more cruel story about a healthy human being who started out changing.Also, this is a question of how you perceive movies. For example, my favorite Kiyoshi Kurosawa portrays movies as a completely different world from movies, whereas Masato Harada sees movies as a different world. I think that it is regarded as a world that is connected to the ground. It's not just a difference between fiction and non-fiction, it's about what the characters are thinking in the world within the frame of the movie. one It's not just a difference between fiction and non-fiction, it's about what the characters are thinking in the world within the frame of the movie. In other words, I think that a play within a play was born from the question of how to hide the acting, but in that sense I don't really like movies that don't hide the acting.I wrote it, but if you watch it normally, it's a very moving movie, and the casting is gorgeous, so it was a good movie.