ジェームズ・キャメロン監督作品 ターミネーター2について Directed by James Cameron terminator 2 Judgment Day


hello. I watched it for the first time in a while. And it was really interesting. I saw it on DVD this time, and I think I saw it for the first time on the Friday road show, but there were quite a few scenes that were cut from the terrestrial broadcast. Or rather, I was surprised that I remembered each scene enough to remember it. That standard music that plays in the park that is wrapped in flames at the opening is really cool. The charm of this movie is still CG. tone When I looked into it, it seems that CG became popular in movies from "Terminator 2 Judgment Day" (1991). I have. Whether it's the representation of the liquid metal of the enemy terminator or the presentation of the main character's terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) mechanical body, it shows amazing images at key points.I forgot, but I think I was shocked when I saw this movie when I was young. There are various ideas that tickle the child's heart, and the story is easy to understand. I haven't seen much of James Cameron's other works, but the overall atmosphere is like John Carpenter and the slow motion is like Sam Peckinpah.The production cost was as high as 100 million dollars in America at the time, and it is impossible to count how many cars are destroyed in the play. The visions Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) sees are clearly reminiscent of an atomic bomb. This movie is by no means excellent in directing or filming, but it has the power of images anyway.