クリント・イーストウッド監督作品 ハドソン川の奇跡について  Directed By Clint Eastwood About The SULLY 




Hello. This is my second viewing. I had a good impression that my head gets tired when I write a movie, but now the site is private and I can't watch it anymore. It was a good movie. Clint Eastwood's movie has a thin color and a hard screen. The story progresses over the momentary judgment of the main character, Salenberger (Tom Hanks), but the reminiscence of the day is sandwiched everywhere in the movie. Worrying about a momentary judgment is not such a large scale, but I also have it. The feeling of time returning to that sudden beat is brilliantly expressed in the video. I was a little worried that the development at the end was too beautiful for encouraging good and punishing evil, but it's good because it's a movie.