中田秀夫監督作品 女優霊について Directed by Hideo Nakata About actress ghost

こんにちは。YouTubeの「映画美学校動画集」というチャンネルで黒沢清とこの映画で脚本を担当した高橋洋が「リアル 完全なる首長竜の日」(2013)を巡っての対談をしています。そこで黒沢清中田秀夫「リング」(1998)に触れて、あの映画で一番恐かったのは最後の貞子の目のシーンでなく、あのビデオそのものだと語っています。この「女優霊」(1996)にも同じことが言えて一番初めのラッシュの場面に映り込む未現像のフィルム映像が最も恐ろしいです。というかフィルム映像のあのざらついた質感がそもそも恐いですし、ピンボケして顔がよくわからない、ラストの顔の判別が出来ないくらいまで引いた場所などの顔がよく見えない恐ろしさと、ラストの手前幽霊の顔にはっきりとピントが合っている映像の顔がよく見える恐ろしさの2つが合わさった映画です。この映画は高橋洋脚本だからなのか少し変な映画なのですが、妙な味わいを持った不思議な映画です。音楽も少し前の80年代テクノポップ的なもので、また恐怖演出も上手い訳では無いのですが、あの幽霊の訳の分からなさは理不尽です。結局あの幽霊は撮影セットの三重から転落死して封切られることの無かった幻の映画の主演女優ですが、何故狂ったように笑っているのか、何故お歯黒を塗っているのか全く意味が分からないので恐いです。主人公の村井(柳ユーレイ)が撮っている映画の主演女優黒川ひとみ(白島靖代)が同じく転落死した村上沙織石橋けい)が囁いた母さん、という言葉で母親という役柄を掴めた、という旨の台詞がありますが、その彼女の写真が幽霊とオーバーラップしたり、ラストの三重で村井が見る幻はその黒川ひとみと幽霊が現れて、手前の黒川ひとみが消えると完全にその幽霊が具現化します。村井の記憶の中にあるかつて観た恐い映画の記憶が、今正に撮っている映画の同じ母親の役によって呼び覚まされたのでしょう。この映画はかなりエポックメイキングな作品で、ジャンル問わず様々な影響を与えたと思いますが、今敏の「パーフェクトブルー」(1997)も影響を受けていると思います。

Hello. Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Hiroshi Takahashi, who was in charge of the screenplay for this movie, are having a conversation about "Real Complete Chief Dragon Day" (2013) on the YouTube channel "Film Aesthetic School Video Collection". Then, Kiyoshi Kurosawa touched on Hideo Nakata's "Ring" (1998) and said that the scariest part of that movie was not the final scene of Sadako's eyes, but the video itself.The same can be said for this "Actress Spirit" (1996), and the undeveloped film image reflected in the first rush scene is the most terrifying.Or rather, the rough texture of the film image is scary in the first place, and the face is out of focus and you can't really see it, and the face is so scary that you can't see it well, such as the place where you can't distinguish the face at the end. It's a movie that combines two things: the horror of being able to see the ghost's face clearly in the image. This movie is a little strange, perhaps because it was written by Hiroshi Takahashi, but it is a mysterious movie with a strange flavor.The music is like the 80's techno pop from a little while ago, and the horror production isn't very good, but the incomprehensibility of that ghost is unreasonable. In the end, that ghost is the leading actress of a phantom movie that was never released because she fell from the three folds of the shooting set, but I don't understand why she's laughing like crazy and why she's painting her teeth. I'm scared because I don't know.Saori Murakami (Kei Ishibashi), the lead actress in a movie shot by the main character Murai (Yu Rei Yanagi), whispered to Saori Murakami (Kei Ishibashi), who also fell to her death, that she was able to grasp the role of a mother. There is a line, but the picture of her overlaps with the ghost, and in the last Mie Murai's vision, Hitomi Kurokawa and the ghost appear, and when Hitomi Kurokawa in the foreground disappears, the ghost completely materializes. Murai's memory of a scary movie he once saw must have been awakened by the role of the same mother in the movie he's making right now. This movie is quite an epoch-making work, and I think it had a variety of influences regardless of genre, but I think Satoshi Kon's "Perfect Blue" (1997) was also influenced.



In the last scene before the ending, there is a scene where a ghost is reflected through the mirror.This ended up being different, but I came up with it, so I wrote it down. In that last scene, the ghost in the mirror and the camera were in the same position, and at the end, Kurokawa looked back at this movie. The movie ends abruptly when Hitomi sees something slightly off-camera, but if that was the camera's point of view, I think the punchline would be that the screen itself was the ghost's point of view. rice field.