好きな短編ホラー作品について About my favorite short horror film


hello. I suddenly realized that I've been watching only horror movies lately. And above all, I like short horror films. The reason is that it is a composition that can be easily watched and has been trimmed down so that you can enjoy the fear. That's why at first glance it seems unreal. However, there are short films with excellent reality that are different from movies that usually take about two hours to create reality.I probably watch short horror films more than the average person in the area, so when I think about what story was really just purely scary among them, one is Takashi Shimizu's "Kaidan Shinmimibukuro". (2003) The story of "Satori" in the second night can be mentioned. It's five minutes long, one-situation, and pretty creepy. A woman with her wedding just around the corner is reminiscing about her past mementos as she organizes her luggage.The memory notebook is entitled "To me as an adult", and like a time capsule, the past me writes a diary addressing the present me. So far, the conversation has proceeded in a very relaxed atmosphere. There is a child's narration while reading, but this is also a stuttering and moving feeling. And while I was reading, a phone call cut through my voice. I have a disturbing impression by cutting off the narration.The call was from my spouse. Returning to the diary and turning the pages, the name of the marriage partner is written, and "Fumihiko is no good" is written in hiragana in black letters all over the notebook. The child's clumsy handwriting and the cute diary, which had been written in red and with illustrations until then, suddenly changed into something different. I feel pretty sick here. The story ends with a narration saying, "No matter how much I searched, there was no boy named Fumihiko around me at the time."In other words, it's a story about my past self, who I shouldn't know, is giving me a warning to my present self. I'm personally afraid that the story will end. Or maybe this is my personal fear point, but it's kind of scary when items like letters and letters come out.It's more scary to just say one word than the crazy feeling of just listing letters. By the way, there is also a story about this marriage partner's "waiting time".

二つ目は三木康一郎の「シンドラ 集合住宅の恐怖」(2014)の「自我とエス」という話です。これはかなり昔に観て衝撃を受けたことを覚えています。三木康一郎はやっぱり小津安二郎に似ています。まあ作風はまるっきり違いますが。このシリーズは通してリアリティはあまり無いのですが、テクニックではないプリミティブな恐怖があります。つまりもし街でこんな奴に出会ってしまったら、という絶望に近い感情です。バットの素振りをしている若い男がいます。その後ろに公園のブランコの支柱に顔を隠している女がいます。ブランコの支柱は斜めになっているので、女は立ったまま不自然に顔を傾けてこっちを見ています。もうこれだけで恐いです。掴みとしてこんなに良い掴みはない、という理想的な掴みです。話が進んでついに業を煮やした男は女を問い詰めようと近寄ります。女が顔をゆっくり動かすと、女の顔には真ん中に火傷の跡のようなものがついています。これがずっとブランコの支柱に顔を付けていたからなのか、何かの事故でそうなったのか、なにも分かりません。「ねえ」と女は低い声で呟きます。女は男のバットを指差して「その棒貸して」と言います。「貸して」と叫んでカメラに走り寄り暗転、女はバットで顔を隠しながら街に解き放たれて話は終わります。これも大体5分くらいの話です。この女性役の役者はイチキ游子というらしいですが、三木康一郎はこういう女性の狂人の人材を発掘する才能を持っているのでしょうか。まず見えなかった顔の部分が出てくるとそれが見てはいけないものだった、というところが恐いですし、それで終わらずにそこから更に喋ってコミュニケーションを図ろうとしてくるのも恐いです。そしてとどめに絶叫して走ってくる、という完全に狂っていてこちらに選択の余地がないという恐ろしさ。良いですね。

The second is Koichiro Miki's "Syndra: Fear of the Housing Complex" (2014), which is called "Ego and Es". I remember seeing this a long time ago and being blown away. Koichiro Miki looks a lot like Yasujiro Ozu. Well, the style is completely different. There is not much reality throughout this series, but there is a primitive fear that is not a technique. In other words, if he meets such a guy in the city, it's a feeling close to despair.There is a young man swinging a bat. Behind them is a woman hiding her face in a swing post in the park. The support of the swing is slanted, so the woman stands unnaturally tilting her face and looking at me. I'm scared just by this. It is an ideal grip that there is no such good grip as a grip. As the story progresses, the man finally becomes frustrated and approaches the woman to question her. woman.When the woman moves her face slowly, there is something like a burn mark in the middle of her face. She doesn't know if it was because she had her face on the swing post the whole time, or if it was an accident. "Hey," she mutters in a low voice. The woman points to the man's bat and says, "Lend me that stick." She shouts "Lend me" and runs to the camera, and the story ends with the woman hiding her face with a bat and being released into the city.This is also about 5 minutes. It seems that the actress playing this female role is Yuko Ichiki, but does Koichiro Miki have the talent to discover such a female madman? It's scary when the part of the face that you couldn't see comes out that you shouldn't be able to see, and it's scary that it doesn't end there and then tries to talk further and try to communicate.And the fear of being completely insane and having no choice here is to scream and run to the end. nice one.