増村保造監督作品 赤い天使について Directed by Yasuzo Masumura About Red Angel


hello. It was a great movie. And it was a scary movie. First of all, the narration of the main character Nishi Sakura (Fumiko Wakao) is frightening from the beginning. It conveys the misery of war in a low tone, like the grievances of the dead. This movie is both a war movie and a melodrama.But it's no ordinary melodrama. This movie is like a sensual novel if it's a novel, but anyway, the principle of the main character's action is clear, and there is an inevitability that it will be such a depiction, just like there are sometimes excellent stories in porn videos. , convincing. And a woman who is crazy about love. There is no movie these days that affirms love so refreshingly.




The problem of the soldier's mind in war still exists. I'm a man, so I can understand it well, but sex is certainly the only thing a man can do when his instincts are bare in the extreme conditions of war. Reality is born in the behavior of exhausted human beings because it fully depicts the horrific conditions of war.The same can be said for Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "DOOR III" (1996). The reason why actions such as reaching out don't affect the dignity of the main character is that the details up to that point are carefully drawn. But to be honest, the act with that one-wheeled man is very erotic.It's interesting to do it in a pink movie, but it's interesting because it's in such a solid war movie. Recently, my way of thinking, or rather my tastes, have changed, and I've come to think that movies still need a wet scene. Or rather, most interesting movies have an element of romance somewhere, and in order to sublimate it as catharsis, I think that there is no choice but to be a man and a woman.