最近考えていること What I've been thinking recently




Hello. I don't know why, but suddenly the routine work of the manga was completed. I think some piece in me clicked into it. I'm drawing strangely why I couldn't do it until now. I'm pretty busy, but I have a stronger sense of security than fatigue.


最近またLed Zeppelinをよく聴いています。YouTube にライブ映像が沢山あってつい観てしまいます。全員背が高く本当に格好良いバンドです。この魅力はなんなのでしょうか。曲も少しフックがある変な曲が多いのですが、聴いているうちにそれしか無い、と思ってしまいます。ジョン・ボーナムは今でも理想のドラマーです。Led Zeppelinについてはまた改めて書きます。


I've been listening to Led Zeppelin a lot lately. There are a lot of live videos on YouTube, so I just watch them. Everyone is tall and really cool bands. What is this attraction? There are a lot of strange songs with a little hooks, but I think that's the only thing I can do while listening to them. John Bonham is still an ideal drummer. I will write about Led Zeppelin again.