大橋裕之原作 岩井澤健治監督作品 音楽について Original work by Hiroyuki Ohashi, directed by Kenji Iwaisawa, about music 

こんにちは。全然関係ない話をまず書きますが、高畑勲の「ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん」の制作ドキュメンタリーがYouTubeにあって観たのですが、宮崎駿が語る高畑勲の話や、高畑勲宮崎駿の関係性を映像でちゃんと収めていることが個人的に嬉しかったです。高畑勲の細やかな演出論、ミヤコ蝶々の我儘に対する高畑勲の気遣いも面白かったです。ジブリのドキュメンタリーは数多くありますが、そこに映る制作現場は理想ではなくスケジュールという現実と戦っています。この矛盾が作品に力を持たせているのかも知れません。若い小西賢一や百瀬義行なども映っていました。「音楽」はYouTubeでレンタルして視聴しました。前から気になっていた作品ではあったのですが、丁度坂本慎太郎について調べていたこともあり、声優の仕事を引き受けたことにも驚きましたが、予告映像を観て、単純に喋る坂本慎太郎の声を聞きたい、という思いがありました。坂本慎太郎のインタビューとかを読んでいると、よく出てくるCAN、CAPTAIN BEEFHEARTという音楽をもういい加減聴きます。

Hello. First of all, I will write a story that has nothing to do with it, but I saw the production documentary of Isao Takahata's "My Neighbors Yamada" on YouTube. Personally, I was happy to see the relationship properly in the video. Isao Takahata's detailed production theory and Isao Takahata's concern for the selfishness of the Miyako butterfly were also interesting.There are many Ghibli documentaries, but the production site reflected in them is not ideal and is fighting the reality of schedule. This contradiction may give power to the work. Young Kenichi Konishi and Yoshiyuki Momose were also reflected. "Music" was rented and watched on YouTube.It was a work that I had been interested in for a long time, but I was surprised that I took on the job of a voice actor because I was just researching Shintaro Sakamoto, but Sakamoto who simply talks after watching the preview video I wanted to hear Shintaro's voice. When I read an interview with Shintaro Sakamoto, I often listen to the music called CAN and CAPTAIN BEEFHEART.

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I read an interview about this work by Kenji Iwaisawa, the director of "Music". To be honest, it's hard to say that it's all hand-painted and the production period is 7 years. I'm doing something similar, so it was a very encouraging work. The voice actor of Shintaro Sakamoto was also suitable. It was also good that the lines were properly placed.The modeling of the characters reminded me of Rene Laloux's "Fantastic Planet". It seems that the characteristic line that sticks out of the eyes is drawn because no one is doing it in the original Hiroyuki Ohashi. I was happy to see King Crimson's "21st Century Schizoid Man" at Morita's house, which loves records.

家でCANとCAPTAIN BEEFHEARTを聴きました。正直まだ良さは分かりません。坂本慎太郎もインタビューで言っていましたが、レコードには膨大な量を聴かないと見えない世界があるようです。そう言われると僕も高畑勲の演出の凄さはあまりアニメーション映画を観ない人には分からないだろうな、と思いました。また何かを極めると行きつく先は原点回帰になるようです。ガレージロックやローファイミュージックの良さは楽器を初めた時の原初の感動をもう一度体験したい、という欲望から来ていると思います。それでこの「音楽」にも繋がりますが、この映画も所謂自主制作の安っぽい映像です。勿論予算やスケジュールの関係で極力会話のシーンに作画を使わない、また映画の尺の調整などという事情もあったのでしょうが、先も書きましたが現実の会話における間を表現していることは結果的に良い方に転がっています。主人公の寡黙なキャラクターは、高畑勲が言うようにこちらにその内面を想像させます。つまり思考停止することなく、批判的な姿勢で映画を観ることができます。ライブシーンはロトスコープで描かれたみたいです。あと登場人物の歩き方、肩を大きく揺らして歩くのが結構良かったです。登場人物がただ歩くだけのシーンもかなりありました。

I listened to CAN and CAPTAIN BEEF HEART at home. To be honest, I still don't know how good it is. As Shintaro Sakamoto said in an interview, there seems to be a world in records that cannot be seen without listening to a huge amount. With that said, I also thought that the greatness of Isao Takahata's production would not be understood by those who do not watch animated films very much.Also, if you master something, the destination seems to be a return to the origin. I think the goodness of garage rock and lo-fi music comes from the desire to relive the original excitement of starting an instrument. That leads to this "music", but this movie is also a so-called self-produced cheap image.Of course, due to budget and schedule, I wouldn't use drawing in the conversation scene as much as possible, and there might have been circumstances such as adjusting the scale of the movie, but as I wrote earlier, it is expressing the interval in the actual conversation. As a result, it is rolling for the better. The quiet character of the hero makes us imagine the inside, as Isao Takahata says.In other words, you can watch a movie in a critical attitude without stopping thinking. The live scene seems to have been drawn with a rotoscope. Also, the way the characters walked and the way they walked with their shoulders shaken was quite good. There were quite a few scenes where the characters just walked.