ダリオ・アルジェント監督作品 サスペリアについて Directed by Dario Argento About Suspiria


hello. As Yasuzo Masumura was influenced by Italian films, he became interested in Italian films, and in that vein he saw Dario Argento's "Suspiria" (1977). Anyway, it's a good movie with a good opening.First of all, the taxi driver in which Susie (Jessica Harper) rides is strange. I had heard that Kiyoshi Kurosawa was influenced by Italian horror, and I may have used this as a reference for the opening of Hell's Guard (1992). This kind of rendition is very old, but still good.And the stage decoration and lighting are good throughout the movie. Whether this is a feature of Italian cinema, or whether Dario Argento likes it, or because it is Italy, there is Federico Fellini's influence, sometimes lies are boldly shown as lies in the film.Using a bright red light without any explanation and without any hesitation in the story is likely to look cheap. But this movie has enough freedom to allow it. Also, this kind of thing is common to old special effects works.




The characteristic camera work of Italian movies is that the camera zooms in while moving. Of course, it is also used in other movies, but when I thought about what it was like in Italian movies, that's what I came up with. I also like the fact that they use a lot of blood and that blood is obviously fake cheap red.The main character, Jessica Harper, had a very good young feeling that was not like a foreigner. I liked how she crossed her arms and spoke a little pompously. Something cute about her short girl pompous.