アンドレイ・タルコフスキー監督作品 ストーカーについて Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky About stalker


Hello. I haven't watched all the movies, but I have a lot of thoughts related to this movie, so I will write it. There was a video of this "Stalker" (1979) with Japanese subtitles on YouTube, so I skipped it and watched it, but I felt that it was a movie similar to how to make a manga. As for what it means, I felt that there was a video of a man saying something first, and then a line was added.I watched it without sound, but the image is probably enough to have no problem. I read some impressions, but they all had such impressions. There was a story that Hayao Miyazaki happened to see this "stalker" on TV at the "starting point" or "turning point", and just watched the second half of the video, but was not satisfied with the continuation.When I read the impressions, it seemed that many people thought that it was a boring movie, but since this is a completely musician's work, it is good to use it to stimulate ideas when making something. At the end of this movie, children use something like psychokinesis to fulfill their mother's wishes. Looking at other Tarkovsky's works, such as "Planet Solaris" (1972), "Mirror" (1975), and "Sacrifice" (1986) floating in the air, there are redundant scenes to draw the catharsis of miracles. I feel like I'm making it on purpose.