最近考えていること What I'm thinking about recently

こんにちは。最近日々の時間が速く感じて、何故か気が焦っています。新しい漫画は外国の話にしようと思ったので、外国人の顔立ちを描くためにYouTubeで外国人のチャンネルを探していると、「emmie」という外国人のチャンネルを見つけました。このチャンネルは英語で本の紹介をしているチャンネルですが、僕は英語がちんぷんかんぷんなので、iPad ProをBluetoothでミニコンポに繋いで、スマホの音声翻訳で聴いています。とはいえ音声翻訳はまだまだ技術が発達してないので、時々勝手に止まったり、恐らく正確な翻訳は出来ていません。この「emmie」というチャンネルの動画もそうですが以前にも外国人のレビュー動画をざっくばらんに観ていたときがありました。外国人の動画はやはり日本の動画とは少し違います。編集でいえば、日本に比べて字幕が少ないです。日本人は元々文字を読むのが好きな民族らしく、テレビでも最近はYouTubeに寄せた字幕が多い編集を多く見かけます。あとは話し方です。英語はアクセントが入るので、本当にまるで歌っているようにリズミカルに話しています。YouTubeに上げているので、カメラを意識して早口で大袈裟な喋り方になっているのかもしれませんが。ボディランゲージも身振り手振りだけでなく、眉毛をしかめたり、舌を鳴らしたり、多様です。

Hello. Recently, I've been feeling my daily time faster, and for some reason I'm impatient. I wanted to talk about the new manga abroad, so when I was looking for a foreign channel on YouTube to draw the faces of foreigners, I found a foreigner channel called "emmie". This channel introduces books in English, but I'm gibberish in English, so I connect my iPad Pro to a minicomponent via Bluetooth and listen to it by voice translation of my smartphone. However, the technology of voice translation has not yet developed, so sometimes it stops without permission, or perhaps accurate translation is not possible. As with the video of this channel called "emmie", there was a time when I was watching a review video of foreigners roughly before. Foreigner videos are still a little different from Japanese videos. Speaking of editing, there are fewer subtitles than in Japan. It seems that Japanese people originally like to read letters, and recently I see a lot of edits on TV with a lot of subtitles on YouTube. The rest is how to talk. English has an accent, so I'm really rhythmically speaking as if I were singing. I'm uploading it to YouTube, so I may be conscious of the camera and talking fast and exaggeratingly. Body language is diverse, not only gestures, but also frowning and squealing their tongues.

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The channel "emmie" is in the style of vlog. Vlog is a long video of about 30 minutes that edits everyday life with beautiful images. There was a time when Koji Seto was influenced by a Japanese engineer living in San Francisco called drikin and was challenging vlog. Vlogs have a stronger sense of sharing their lives than ordinary short videos. This is my personal opinion, but I feel that there are a lot of lights and houseplants in foreign rooms. Compared to Japanese people, there is a sense of directing space.です。