最近考えていること what i'm thinking lately


hello. It is hot. "Dragon Ball" (1984) The heat hasn't cooled down yet. As I was reading it, I thought that the view of life and death in "Dragon Ball" is really light. There are lines that say, "Even if you die, you'll be revived by the Dragon Balls, so kill them." Also, Akira Toriyama's depiction of the world of the afterlife is like a Mexican view of life and death. I am amazed, and at the same time I am fascinated.

最近良い音楽を見つけました。もう活動休止していますが、「フレネシ」という音楽です。相対性理論とかに似ていますが、微妙に言葉選びのセンスが違います。また音楽性も多岐に渡り、テクノ・ポップやチル・アウトなど多国籍な印象を受けます。僕は「フレネシ ゲンダイ」(2012)の「miracle love」が好きです。

I found some good music recently. It's already on hiatus, but it's music called "Frenesi". It is similar to the theory of relativity, but the sense of word choice is slightly different. Their musicality is also wide-ranging, giving the impression of being multinational, such as techno-pop and chill-out. I like "miracle love" from "Furenessi His Gendai" (2012).