今敏 OPUSについて Satoshi Kon About the OPUS

こんにちは。はてなブログのレイアウトが変わって書きづらくなりました。実はまだちゃんと読んでいないのですが、絵をパラパラと見ていて思ったことを書いてみます。この「OUPS」(1995)は今敏が絵を押井守が原作を担当した「SERAPHIM 266613336WINGS」(1994)と少しダブって連載が始まりました。「SERAPHIM 266613336WINGS」が今敏押井守の方向性の違いにより半ば強引に終わってしまったことで、そのエネルギーがこの「OUPS」に向けられている感じがします。絵は勿論多大に大友克洋の影響を感じますが、それに加えてバンド・デシネの影響も強く感じます。ブノワ・ペータースの「闇の国々」(1983)などにおける影の描き方、建物やベタの使い方など類似しているところが幾つか見られました。背景に近づいてみるとそれは張りぼてだった、というのも「闇の国々Ⅱ」の「サマリスの壁」という話に同じものがあったりします。大友克洋に似ている、と書きましたが決定的に違うところは女の子が可愛く描けるところです。語弊があるかもしれませんが大友克洋は敢えて日本人らしく目は小さく鼻は低く、を追求した結果あの絵になっているので下手な訳ではないのですが。今敏の描く女の子はかなり魅力があります。瞼が重たくトロンとした目つきが特徴的です。パースが恐ろしく正確で描き込みの量も凄まじいのですが、絵が上手すぎるせいで、話にあまり興味が行きません。というか読んでいて僕のように漫画家を志すものは辛くなるほどに、絵が上手いです。

hello. The layout of the Hatena Blog has changed, making it difficult to write. Actually, I haven't read it properly yet, but I'm going to write what I thought while looking at the picture. This "OUPS" (1995) began as a little duplication with "SERAPHIM 266613336 WINGS" (1994), which was illustrated by Satoshi Kon and written by Mamoru Oshii."SERAPHIM 266613336 WINGS" was half-forcedly ended due to the difference in direction between Satoshi Kon and Mamoru Oshii, and I feel that that energy is directed towards this "OUPS". Of course, Katsuhiro Otomo was greatly influenced by the paintings, but in addition, I also strongly feel the influence of Bande Dessinée.There are some similarities in how to draw shadows, how to use buildings and planes, etc. in Benoît Peters's "Lands of Darkness" (1983). I wrote that he resembles Katsuhiro Otomo, but the decisive difference is that he can draw cute girls. It may be a misnomer, but Katsuhiro Otomo purposely has small eyes and a low nose like a Japanese person, and as a result of pursuing that image, it is not bad.The girls Satoshi Kon draws are quite attractive. Her eyelids are heavy and her eyes are distinctive. Her perspective is terrifyingly accurate and the amount of drawing is amazing, but she's too good at drawing, so she doesn't get much interest in the story. She's so good at drawing that it's hard for someone like me who aspires to be a manga artist to read her.



Recently, I read the story of Planet Namek in "Dragon Ball" (1984), and I thought that Akira Toriyama's drawing ability at that time might be at its peak.Anyway, the drawing is good, and that skill can't be expressed by copying something, for example, it's a different world than anything else as a manga, but it also has reality, I think it's a three-dimensional effect. However, the three-dimensional effect is not as accurate as if taken with a camera, but the distorted accuracy seen through the human eye, and I think that's why the painting is so attractive.In fact, this word is the opposite of what Mamoru Oshii used when he talked about Satoshi Kon's paintings. I love both Perspective drawings and Akira Toriyama's sexy drawings.