最近考えていること What I've been thinking recently



Hello. Recently, I've been busy reading comics from Amazon, and I haven't been able to do much other things. I'm especially prone to burnout syndrome, so I think I have to get out of the feeling of emptiness after getting what I want as soon as possible. And my passion for music is burning again. I've introduced new equipment, but it seems to be a wave that comes regularly in me. The fun of music lies at that speed. Because it's fun as soon as it pops. As I always say, I'm against comics. It's finally fun to think slowly and draw slowly. Some people are suitable for it. In my case, I'm in trouble because it changes depending on the time and case.

2022 0209

今日はamazonからvoxのアンプとMIDI端子が来ます。ずっと待ち焦がれていた、DTM(Desk Top Music)がようやく出来そうです。嬉しいです。amazonはやはり自制しないと危険ですね。ついお金を使い過ぎることもそうですが、知らず知らず自らの意識を操作されそうです。つまり欲しくもないものまで欲しくなりそうなのです。僕は一通り欲しいものは手に入ったので、一度ここでamazonを止めます。


Today comes the vox amp and MIDI jack from amazon. DTM (Desk Top Music), which I have been waiting for for a long time, seems to be finally available. I'm happy. Amazon is dangerous if you don't control yourself. It's the same as spending too much money, but it seems that one's consciousness is manipulated without knowing it. In other words, it seems that you will want something you don't want. I got everything I wanted, so stop amazon here once