庵野秀明監督作品 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版  AIR/まごころを、君にについて Directed by Hideaki Anno About The End Of Evangelion

こんにちは。200本目の記事になります。色々考えましたが普通に映画の感想を書きます。そもそも庵野秀明作品についても書くのが初めてなので、まずその辺りから書いていきます。まず僕はかなり庵野秀明に影響を受けていると自覚しています。監督以外でも「王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼」(1987)での爆発の作画なども好きです。僕が中学生くらいの時にDSiで「うごメモ」が流行っていて、それでよく爆発のアニメーションを真似して描いていました。監督作品では「トップをねらえ」(1988)、や「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」(1995)などのアニメーション作品だけでなく、実写作品で村上龍原作の「ラブ&ポップ」(1998)や「式日」(2000)なども観ています。というか村上龍を知ったのも元はといえば、この「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」が村上龍の「愛と幻想のファシズム」(1987)の影響を受けていることからでした。関係ないですが村上龍は「コインロッカーベイビーズ」(1980)とか「イン・ザ・ミソスープ」(1997)とか「ストレンジ・デイズ」(1997)が好きです。とここまで書いておいてあれですが、実は最近の「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版:Ⅱ」(2021)も「シン・ウルトラマン」(2022)、「シン・仮面ライダー」(2022)もまだ観ていません。「シン・ゴジラ」(2016)は劇場でも観たし、Blu-rayも買ったのですが、多分このくらいの年齢の時に僕は庵野秀明から卒業というと変ですが、他の映像表現に惹かれていったのでしょう。話が逸れましたが、映画の感想について書きます。

hello. This is the 200th article. I thought about various things, but I usually write the impression of the movie. In the first place, it is my first time to write about Hideaki Anno's work, so I will write from that area first. First of all, I am aware that I am greatly influenced by Hideaki Anno. Besides the director, I also like drawing the explosion in "Royal Space Force: The Wings of Oneamis" (1987).When I was a junior high school student, "Flipnote Studio" was popular on the DSi, so I often imitated the animation of the explosion. Directed by Ryu Murakami's "Love & Pop" (1998) and " Ceremony day(2000) as well as animation works such as "Aim for the Top" (1988) and "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (1995) and so on.Ryu Murakami was originally known because this "Neon Genesis Evangelion" was influenced by Ryu Murakami's "Fascism of Love and Illusion" (1987). It doesn't matter, but Ryu Murakami likes "Coin Locker Babies" (1980), "In the Miso Soup" (1997), and "Strange Days" (1997).So far, but in fact, I haven't seen the recent "Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version: II" (2021), "Shin Ultraman" (2022), and "Shin Kamen Rider" (2022) yet. Hmm. I saw "Shin Godzilla" (2016) at the theater and bought a Blu-ray, but it's strange that I graduated from Hideaki Anno at this age, but I'm attracted to other video expressions. It must have been gone. The story went awry, but what did you think of the movie?

この「旧エヴァ」または「夏エヴァ」とか言われている今作は、公開当時観た人はわかりませんが、エヴァが社会現象としてセンセーショナルに取り上げられた後に観た僕も含めてかなりの人がある程度事前知識を入れた上で観ているので、インターネットで探しても映画そのものについての純粋な感想があまりないです。庵野秀明自身この「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」は衒学的だ、といっているのでこの映画で出てくる難解な言語や宗教的なモチーフは無視して感想を書きます。冒頭の自慰行為のシーンから始まり、世界の終末の海岸で二人きりのシーンで終わるこの映画で主人公の碇シンジは夢の場面以外で現実では2人の女性としか会話しません。こういうジャンルをセカイ系、とか言いますが、そういう意味で究極に個人的な映画といえます。庵野秀明の作家性としてそういう社会と個人を繋ぐ中間的なものを意図的に削ぐ、ということがあります。あるシーンとあるシーンの間のキャラクターの行動に幅があり、まるでそのシーンが終わった途端にそこから消えてしまうような脆弱な存在としてキャラクターがあります。なぜこんなことを思ったかというと、この映画ではかなり実験的なアニメーションの技法を試しているからです。例えばこれは高畑勲とかも別の効果で使ったりしていますが、同じ絵で背景だけを変えていく演出や、アニメーションの彩色のみの絵を使ったりとかこれは異化効果、といいますが観ている観客にこれは映画だ、ということを再認識させるような演出があります。庵野秀明は他の作品で例えば「トップをねらえ」とかでも、あの作品のラストのような自分の世界の外の他の人間の存在を仄めかしたり出来るはずなのですが、この映画ではサードインパクトが起こった時の他の場所の状態や、NERV職員以外の人間の行動が一切描かれません。徹底的に碇シンジの周辺に物語がフォーカスされています。これはこの映画を作っていた当時の庵野秀明の精神状態とも大きく関係していると思われます。今2022年に観ても弐号機が襲われるシーンには必要ない過剰な残虐性を感じます。ここまで過剰に表現しないといけない程に追い詰められていた、ということだと思います。この弐号機の戦闘シーンは今観ても凄いです。庵野秀明の特撮好きが良く出ていて、ちゃんと足元の道路や車が壊れるシーンが入っています。またこのシーンはアニメーターの本田雄が作画していることでも有名です。思い返すとこの映画内で碇シンジは本当に何もしていません。ここまで何もしていないのも逆にすごいと思います。高畑勲が「映画を作りながら考えたことⅡ」(1999)で繰り返し説いているアンチファンタジーの思想の醸成にこの「旧エヴァ」も少なからず影響していると思います。冷静に考えてこの内容のアニメーションがカルト的な人気で多くの若者に受け入れられたこと自体が、かなり異常に感じます。今も少なからず同じような状況にあるとは思いますが、庵野秀明自身もどこかのインタビューでこのヒットについて「ここまで日本が病んでいるとは思っていなかった」みたいな発言をしていましたし、僕もそう思います。この映画での救いは音楽が素晴らしいことです。劇伴は勿論ですが、25話のエンディングテーマの「THANATOS -IF I CAN'T BE YOURS」と挿入歌の「Komm, süsser Tod〜甘き死よ、来たれ」は和訳も含めて素晴らしいです。今でもたまに聴き返します。書き忘れていましたが、貞本義行の「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 14」(2014)はこの映画をとても上手くまとめて感動的に仕上げています。初めて読んだときに衝撃を受けたことを今も覚えています。

This work, which is called "Old Eva" or "Summer Eva", is unknown to those who saw it at the time of its release, but quite a few people including myself who saw it after Eva was sensationally taken up as a social phenomenon. However, since I watch it with some prior knowledge, I don't have much pure impression about the movie itself even if I search it on the Internet.Hideaki Anno himself says that this "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is pedantic, so I will ignore the esoteric language and religious motifs that appear in this movie and write my impressions. In this movie, which begins with the scene of masturbation at the beginning and ends with a scene of just two people on the shores of the end of the world, Shinji Ikari, the main character, talks only with two women in reality except for the dream scene.This kind of genre is called Sekai, but in that sense it is the ultimate personal movie. Hideaki Anno's writer's character is to intentionally remove the intermediate things that connect such society and individuals. There is a range of character behavior between scenes, and there is a character as a vulnerable entity that disappears from there as soon as the scene is over.The reason I thought about this was that this movie tried a fairly experimental animation technique. For example, Isao Takahata uses this as a different effect, but it is said that this is a catabolic effect, such as using the same picture to change only the background, or using a picture with only the coloring of the animation. There is a rendition that reminds the audience that this is a movie.Hideaki Anno should be able to imply the existence of other human beings outside his own world, such as the last of that work, even if he says "Aim for the top" in other works, but this movie has a third impact. The state of other places at that time and the actions of humans other than NERV staff are not drawn at all. The story is thoroughly focused around Shinji Ikari. This seems to have a lot to do with the mental state of Hideaki Anno at the time of making this movie.Even if I watch it in 2022, I feel the excessive cruelty that is not necessary for the scene where Unit 2 is attacked. I think that it was cornered to the extent that it had to be overexpressed so far. The battle scene of this No. 2 machine is amazing even now. Hideaki Anno's special effects enthusiasts often appear, and there are scenes where the roads and cars at his feet are broken. This scene is also famous for being drawn by animator Takeshi Honda.In retrospect, Shinji Ikari isn't really doing anything in this movie. He thinks it's amazing that he hasn't done anything so far. I think that this "old Eva" has had a considerable influence on the fostering of anti-fantasy ideas that Isao Takahata repeatedly explained in "Thinking while making a movie II" (1999). Thinking calmly, the fact that this animation was popular with cults and accepted by many young people seems quite unusual.I think that the situation is still the same, but Hideaki Anno himself said in an interview somewhere about this hit, "I didn't think Japan was sick so far." I think so too. The salvation in this movie is that the music is great.Not to mention the drama accompaniment, the ending theme "THANATOS -IF I CAN'T BE YOURS" of episode 25 and the insert song "Komm, süsser Tod ~ Sweet Death, Come" are wonderful including Japanese translations. I still listen to it once in a while. I forgot to write it, but Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's "Neon Genesis Evangelion 14" (2014) puts this movie together very well and makes it touching.I still remember being shocked when I first read it.


It's a digression from here. "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is not only an animation alone, but also a work with remarkable media development such as figure goods, spin-off works, and pachinko of subsequent characters. I think the reason is that there are gaps in the work itself, and there are attractive and easy-to-use characters. The gap is something that the viewer can imagine and fill.Actually, I was one of them. Now, even if I search it, it doesn't appear, or when I look it up, the site itself has disappeared, but in the past there were quite a few novel sites created by Evangelion. The quality was a mixture of boulders, but some of them wrote stories that were truly comparable to professionals. That was the site called "Sky Blue Time" by a person named Symei.There were many works and it was set that Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami were mainly married, but what I liked was the work "Home Work". The content was like a woman who didn't know (I think she was a colleague of Shinji Ikari's company) called me and Rei Ayanami, who was jealous of it, had a fight for the first time. It's one of the ideas I definitely want to use when it's time to draw a love affair.