小野不由美原作 中村義洋監督作品 残穢について Original work by Fuyumi Ono, Directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura, About Remaining curse

こんにちは。タイトルの「残穢」(2016)の英語の翻訳が調べても出てこないので、自力で残るという意味と呪いという意味の言葉をくっつけて、Remaining curseという言葉を作りました。この映画は前に一度観ていますし、原作の小説も読んでいます。話は割と時系列がややこしく、一人ずつのエピソードが合わさって展開していく感じです。


Hello. Even if I looked up the English translation of the title "Remaining curse" (2016), it didn't come out, so I coined the word "Remaining curse" by combining the words "remaining " and "curse". I've watched this movie once before, and I've also read the original novel. The story is rather complicated in chronological order, and it feels like the episodes of each person are combined and developed.

The reason why I knew this movie was that there was a project called "Yu Smoke Kitan" run by a distributor called Yuto Kanata. A person who has learned a lot about my occult thinking and how to enjoy it. I still remember the feeling I had when I first read the original, and I felt that fear was eroding from the world of fiction into this world.
I think this movie is horror and challenges political fiction. It may be a little different, but if you ultimately construct a horror based on realism, the ghost entity cannot suddenly appear. It's just an error in our brain, and that's why it also suppresses the production as a horror.