最近考えていること what i'm thinking lately


Hello. It's already mid-February. I recently started editing videos, but this work takes longer than expected, but I don't feel a sense of accomplishment. Now I know a little more about why Koji Seto regularly takes long vacations. It's not good for your mental health.It's not good for your mental health. As I wrote earlier, trying to improve quality takes an infinite amount of time, and there is no productivity in working with existing materials all the time. I instinctively felt that I shouldn't go too deep into this, such as being attacked by anxiety about whether I'm okay. And it's foolish to release the video you've made and get depressed because you don't get the reaction you want.After all, I feel like I'm using my time more effectively when I'm drawing manga. So stop editing videos. The plan to send the manga to the manga award by February has been cancelled. As always, when will it be available? When I read manga these days, I realize that the comic panels have the same function as the movie screen, and every manga artist cuts out the images in his head and creates them.



Lars von Trier's "Dancer in the Dark" (2000) employs a method of expression called Dogma 95, which is advocated by Danish filmmakers.To put it simply, this was a counter to the previous studio set filming, and I think it was a movie movement to capture the real world as much as possible without using narration or lighting. I had always thought that it was not, but it resembled the art movement called Impressionism that occurred in France in the latter half of the 19th century. This movement, which began with Claude Monet's "Sunrise," is also a movement in which up-and-coming artists sought new forms of pictorial expression, abandoning the conventional academic painting style. In addition, the development of paint tubes made it possible to create outdoors, giving rise to many works that were bold in their use of primary colors and unrestricted by conventional conventions. As you can see, history repeats itself.When something is born, it is systematized first, and after a few years it becomes a mere shell. Then the younger generation destroys it, and then it is born again. Just as there are common laws in the micro and macro worlds, I feel that there are laws that govern this world.