白石晃士監督作品 ノロイについて Directed by Koji Shiraishi About Noroi The Curse


Hello. This movie was scary. The reason why it's scary is because this movie takes the form of so-called found footage, and the story unfolds around that documentary. At the same time, various TV programs intersect and advance, but the strong variety of TV programs lowers the threshold of fear. In other words, it is extremely close to everyday life, and when the extraordinary is suddenly caught in it, I feel a strong sense of incongruity.It is also amazing that the decisive shot is properly taken in one cut. I don't know how I filmed the scene where a poltergeist occurred in the psychic girl's house and the head of the spoon was spinning at high speed. And if you shoot even the decisive scene, you can see that there is no problem even if you explain it in sentences after that. This story type of "Noroi" (2005) is inherited by "Occult" (2009).A mysterious symbol and it seems to be used in ancient festivals from folklore, and finally, in "Occult", a video camera arrives from another world, and in "Noroi", a video camera arrives from the missing main character. Is the same. Also, this movie has a lot of crazy people, and those crazy people are the really dangerous people you see in the streets. The climax of angry waves from the investigation part in the middle stage is amazing.In the scene where Marika Matsumoto suddenly goes crazy at the main character's house, her posture is bent at a strange angle, which is very disgusting. The scene where Marika Matsumoto goes mad in the car and screams while running through the forest at night simply makes me think that Marika Matsumoto is amazing. It seems that "Kuchisake Onna" (2007) did not intentionally depict social movements. News videos and newspaper articles are used very effectively. The incident of seven men and women hanging themselves on a swing on the way is also eerie.Also, what I like about it is that it depicts fear without blurring until the end. There is no such thing as family love, friendship, romance, etc. People die indifferently, and the movie ends without salvation. nice one.


色々と考えてみたのですが、この映画には謎のままの箇所がいくつかあります。まず石井潤子(久我朋乃)は結局何がしたかったのか、ということです。彼女は幼い頃に長野県の下鹿毛村の鬼祭で巫女の役を演じ神憑りに遭いました。そして現代に禍具魂(カグタバ)を甦らせるために、看護師になって嬰児の死体を集め、超能力がある矢野加奈(菅野莉央)を誘拐してそれと身元が分からない少年(神林秀太)を依代に鬼祭を行おうとした、というのがざっくりとした彼女の行動です。取り憑かれていたといえばそれまでですが、結局その儀式によって何がしたかったのかが分かりません。もう一つの謎は松本まりかの後ろに映り込んだ男の正体です。この男は松本まりかが自宅のベランダで複雑に紐を結んでいるのを撮影したシーンで入るカグタバ、という男の音声と同一人物だと思われます。がこれが誰なのか分からないのです。禍具魂の呪いによる死もあまり法則性が見えません。キーワードとしてあるのは赤ちゃんの声やドンっという音など音を聴いていることは何となく共通してはいますが、死に方が全員異なっています。最初の母子は交通事故、矢野加奈の母親は父親により刺殺、松本まりかの後輩の君野みどり(岡田眞奈)と矢野加奈がいるであろうと踏み込んだマンションに住んでいた鳩を鷲掴みにしていた大沢真一(柿澤隆史)は縊死、小林雅文(村木仁)の妻の小林景子(花井美代子)は焼死などです。このことからこの呪いは音を聴くと発動して何らかの形で死に至る、というものです。しかし松本まりかだけは生き残りました。あれだけの呪いの中心にいながらです。これ松本まりかは石井潤子の後継者ではないでしょうか。後継 者というか本質的に同じ人間であるような気がするのです。何故そう思ったのかというと、終盤に全てが終わった後テレビ番組に出演する松本まりかが出てきますが、それが凄い微笑んでいるからです。これが不気味です。この後の世界では松本まりかは禍具魂を使役する巫女のような存在となり、それを伝導して行くのが堀光男(寺十五)とあの少年なのでしょう。小林雅文は行方不明となっていますが、頭を石で殴打されたあの状況から逃げ出すことは本当に出来たのでしょうか。実はこれも「オカルト」と同じく霊界から届けられたビデオカメラなのかも知れません。この映画には幽霊なるものが一応出てくるのですが、恐いシーンは全て人間です。これはかなり真理を表しているような気がします。考えてみると「ノロイ」というタイトルも呪うのも呪われるのも人間ですからね。

After thinking about it, there are some parts of the film that remain a mystery. First of all, what did Junko Ishii (Tomono Kuga) want to do in the end? When she was young, she played the role of a shrine maiden at a demon festival in Shimokage Village, Nagano Prefecture, and was possessed by a god.And in order to revive Kagutaba in the present age, he becomes a nurse and collects the corpses of babies and kidnaps Kana Yano (Rio Kanno), who has supernatural powers, and an unidentified boy (Shuta Kanbayashi). It is her behavior roughly that she tried to hold a demon festival for Yorishiro. So far, she was possessed, but in the end I don't know what she wanted to do with the ritual. Another mystery is the identity of the man behind Marika Matsumoto.This man is believed to be the same person as Kagutaba, who appears in the scene where Marika Matsumoto is tying ropes intricately on the veranda of her home. but I don't know who this is. Death due to the curse of Magusama doesn't seem to have much regularity. The key word is that they are listening to sounds such as baby's voice and bang, but they all die differently.The first mother and child were in a traffic accident, Kana Yano's mother was stabbed to death by her father, Marika Matsumoto's junior Midori Kimino (Mana Okada) and Shinichi Osawa grabbed a pigeon who lived in an apartment where Kana Yano was supposed to be. (Takashi Kakizawa) hanged himself, and Keiko Kobayashi (Miyoko Hanai), the wife of Masafumi Kobayashi (Hitoshi Muraki), was burned to death. From this, this curse is triggered when you hear the sound, and it leads to death in some way. Only Marika Matsumoto survived. All while being at the center of that curse. Isn't this Marika Matsumoto the successor to Junko Ishii? I feel like she's the successor, or she's essentially the same person. The reason why I thought so is that at the end of the film, after everything is over, she appears as Marika Matsumoto, who appears in a TV program, and she is smiling so much. This is creepy.In the world after this, Marika Matsumoto will be like a shrine maiden who uses the Magusama, and the boy who conducts it will be Mitsuo Hori (Terajugo). Masafumi Kobayashi is missing, but could he really escape from the situation where he was hit with a stone on the head? In fact, this may be a video camera delivered from the spirit world as well as "Occult". Ghosts appear in this movie, but the scary scenes are all human.Come to think of it, the title "Noroi", cursing and being cursed are also human.