マリコ・タマキ作 ジリアン・タマキ画 THIS ONE SUMMERについて Works by Mariko Tamaki Drawn by Jillian Tamaki About THIS ONE SUMMER

こんにちは。例外的に図書館で読みました。僕は読みたい本は大体買って読むのですが、図書館でふと手にとってお、これ凄いなと思って一気に読みました。こういう作品のことをグラフィックノベル、と言うのかと思い言葉の意味を調べてみると、何やらややこしい言葉のようで、まあ日本でいうと漫画です。読んでいて一番気になったのはバスティアン・ヴィヴェスの「年上の女性」(2017)にとても似ていることです。この「THIS ONE SUMMER」(2014)の方が先なのでバスティアン・ヴィヴェスが影響を受けているとは思うのですが、物語の構成的にも車での移動シーンから始まったり、少年少女の一夏の淡い青春みたいなのも共通しています。そして絵の正確さ、と表現すれば良いのか特に描き込んでもいない空間が夏の青空であったり夜の海辺であったりが、とにかく正確に読み手に伝わります。これも読んでいて驚きました。デジタル処理で陰影はついてはいますが、描かれている線そのものは単純明快で、大ゴマの使い方も大胆に足元のアップであったり、同じ構図を何度も使いアニメーション的な表現をしたりして自由です。僕が持っているブレナ・サムラーの「SHEETS」(2018)という英語の漫画がありますが、文章は読めないものの絵を見てみるとやはりこの「THIS ONE SUMMER」に似ています。今の海外の漫画表現のトレンドはこの簡略化した絵柄と少年少女の性のリアリティを描くことにあるのでしょうか。とは言っても今から10年くらい前なのでまた新たなムーブメントが起こっているかもしれません。



Hello. I read it in the library on occasion. I buy and read most of the books I want to read, but when I happened to pick it up at the library, I thought it was amazing and read it all at once. I wondered if this kind of work was called a graphic novel, and when I looked up the meaning of the word, it seemed to be a somewhat confusing word. What struck me most when I read it was that it was very similar to Bastien Vives' Older Woman (2017).This "THIS ONE SUMMER" (2014) came earlier, so I think Bastien Vives was influenced by it, but in terms of the composition of the story, it starts with a scene of moving by car, and there are scenes of boys and girls. It's like the pale youth of summer is also common. And the accuracy of the painting, whether it is better to express the space that is not drawn in particular, such as the blue sky in summer or the seaside at night, is conveyed to the reader accurately. I was also surprised when I read this.Although the shadows are digitally processed, the drawn lines themselves are simple and clear, and the use of large sesame is a bold close-up of the feet, and the same composition is used many times to create an animation-like expression. is free. I have an English manga called "SHEETS" (2018) by Brena Sumler, and although I can't read the text, looking at the pictures, it looks like this "THIS ONE SUMMER".I wonder if the current trend in manga expression overseas is to draw this simplified pattern and the sexual reality of boys and girls. That said, it's been about 10 years now, so a new movement may be happening again.





The story parallels the girls' sexual issues and their parents' discord.In the middle of the film, there is a scene in which the main character, Rose, pretends to be dead at sea, and it was amazing how this scene is repeated later in Rose's unrequited love for a young man's lover at a video store who attempts suicide. Rose's friend Windy is hesitant about her growing up and she is afraid of Rose growing up.