最近考えていること  what i'm thinking lately


hello. November is over. It doesn't matter, but when I was searching for images of Yoshifumi Ota on the Internet, I found a picture called "Kumo ni Noboru Hi" (2012) by Yoshifumi Ota in the "Auslese's blog". This was clearly an homage to Yasuzo Masumura's poster for "Aozora Musume" (1957), and I was naturally excited.The reason why I get excited about such trivial things is because I've been watching movies lately and I'm feeling a little depressed. I think it's because I'm only looking for virtual stimuli. Recently, I've been looking back at the designs of old trading card games such as "Yu-Gi-Oh" and "Duel Masters", and I really thought they were cool.I liked both of them, but when I think about it now, the sentences used in "Yu-Gi-Oh" were very stiff and had a lot of kanji, so somehow I thought it was for adults. "Duel Masters" actively uses katakana and uses names that tickle children's hearts, so I have a lot of feelings for "Duel Masters". I had the illusion that when I had a really strong card, I also became stronger.I've forgotten the rules now, but the gameplay was fun, and 150 yen per pack is just a lethal amount of money for a child. Speaking of which, "Shinra Bansho Chocolate" was also popular. Such a trend has been passed down unbroken, and now it has completely shifted to smartphone games. The magical power of rattlesnakes is terrifying.




I've always been interested in folklore, but why not collect stories that are so scary that they don't make jokes in Kunio Yanagida's "Life in the Mountains"? I bought it for free on Kindle after learning that there was a description about "Hasshaku-sama" in the 2ch thread. I bought it, but when I was in trouble because I didn't have a clue to read it, one thing I thought was that when I talk about the prefecture where I live, the scenery of the land comes to mind and the tension rises considerably. ancestor And I've come to think that it's fun to imagine that kind of thing in the past. If you say that the style is old and difficult to read, it is difficult to read, but as with Natsume Soseki, it is written that kanji characters are converted into hiragana, which is not much different from today.