最近考えていること what i'm thinking lately

こんにちは。9月が終わります。今日は平日の町を見る機会があって、多くの働いている大人たちを見ました。最近はまた色んな人のブログを読むことにはまっています。日々の暮らしを文章にすることは後で見返したときにやはり面白いです。マット・リーブスの「クローバーフィールド HAKAISYA」(2008)を観ました。「ブレア・ウィッチ・プロジェクト」(1999)と同じファウンド・フッテージと呼ばれるジャンルの映画で、観ていて勿論「ゴジラ」(1954)の影響は感じましたが、何故かジョン・カーペンターの「ニューヨーク1997」(1981)を思い出しました。僕と同じことを書いている人もいたので、何かが似ていたのだと思います。逆柱いみりの「赤タイツ男」(2004)を読みました。画風を簡単にいうとつげ義春松本大洋青木雄二の絵を足したような感じです。漫画においてシュールなのは絵が上手ければ実は割と出来たりします。ですがそれを続けることが非常に難しいのです。

hello. September is over. Today I had the chance to see the town on a weekday and saw many working adults. Recently, I've been addicted to reading other people's blogs again. Writing about my daily life is still interesting when I look back later. I saw Matt Reeves' "Cloverfield Hakaisya" (2008).It is a movie of the same genre called "found footage" as "The Blair Witch Project" (1999). 1981). Some people wrote the same thing as me, so I think there was something similar.I read Sakabashira Imiri's Red Tights Man (2004). To put it simply, the painting style is like a combination of Yoshiharu Tsuge, Taiyo Matsumoto and Yuji Aoki. Surrealism in comics can actually be done relatively well if the drawing is good. But it is very difficult to continue.



I haven't set my goals for October yet. September was quite busy for me, so maybe that's why I'm not motivated. Recently, volunteers are actively uploading Yurayura Teikoku's live sound sources on YouTube.I think that person is an old fan because he has the early sound sources, but the fact that he has left sound sources from such an early stage is probably because he had foresight or talent. I wondered if culture could be handed down in this way, no matter how minor.And other channels may be the same person, but they upload live footage of Yura Yura Teikoku, and there are a lot of people who want synergies and what they like to be known to various people. , I feel.