最近考えていること What I'm thinking about recently


hello. I bought an art book by Akira Toriyama. There is a document by Ryu Murakami in the preface, which expresses that Akira Toriyama's charm is good at painting, which is quite relevant. What's more, the goodness is not the goodness to show off the technique, but it is amazing that both the person who draws it and the person who is looking at it feels good. The only way to embody the image of the head is to draw a picture on white paper.What I thought about when I took a closer look at the color paintings by Akira Toriyama was that they really expressed the three-dimensional effect with the minimum number of lines. Recently, I saw a picture of Hayao Miyazaki's "Pippi Longstocking" image board, but since it is an image board to convey the world view of the story to the staff, anyway, the pencil draft is colored with watercolor rather than the quality. It's just a picture that minimizes, but I was surprised that it still had a three-dimensional effect. Both are military geeks and the mechanics are similar in how they are drawn.

クエンティン・タランティーノの「デス・プルーフ イングラインドハウス」(2007)のエンディングの曲がとても良く調べてみると、1995年に発表されたエイプリル・マーチの「チック・ハビット」というアルバムを見つけました。こういう音楽を僕は昔から好きで、例えばママギタァとかよく聴いていたのですが、今回調べてみてやっとジャンル名が分かりました。こういう音楽をフレンチ・ポップスというらしいです。シャンソンのペーソスのあるメロディーやリバーブが深くかかったギター、ボーカルの浮き立った感じなどが好きです。

When I looked very closely at the ending song of Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof In Grind House" (2007), I found an album called "Chick Habit" by April March released in 1995. I've always liked this kind of music, and I used to listen to it, for example, Mama Guitar, but when I looked it up this time, I finally found out the genre name.It seems that this kind of music is called French pop music. I like the chanson's pathos melody, the deeply reverberated guitar, and the vocals that stand out.