蓮實重彦 監督小津安二郎について Shigehiko Hasumi About director Yasujiro Ozu


hello. June is over. Lately, I'm in a rush because time flies so fast. I bought this book a long time ago and started reading it piece by piece. Hasumi Shigehiko's unique writing is interesting without the movie. I think Kiyoshi Kurosawa was also influenced to some extent. The fact that the evaluation of Yasujiro Ozu changes 180 degrees depending on the era is a pattern that tends to be seen in past historical figures such as Masashige Kusunoki in Japan and Van Gogh overseas.Well, van Gogh is the same as Kenji Miyazawa, and the pattern is that the evaluation has increased after his death. The times and fashions are actually like a circle, and they may just go round and round in the same place. What is repeatedly written in this book is that evaluations surrounding Yasujiro Ozu have always been evaluated with a negative attitude.In fact, I also think that his films are extremely ascetic and perfected in their cinematography, and that they have the effect of highlighting the limits of the expressive method of film. Again, I wrote that we need to question the view that Hollywood-style movies, which we have thought to be the standard up to now, are movies.

2022 0802

It was very stimulating to point out the absence of the stairs on the second floor in Yasujirō Ozu's late films. Certainly, when I look back at Yasujirō Ozu's films after being told that, I notice something strange. The space on the second floor is a sanctuary for the 55-year-old father and the 25-year-old daughter, which Yasujiro Ozu liked. It is like a different space that you can go up.I hated the strangeness when the stairs were reflected in "The Hen in the Wind" (1948), so it made sense to me. It was also interesting to see how changing clothes, eating, and eating were performed in different places, and that the story unfolded within the narrative structure of the film. Shigehiko Hasumi's unique writing becomes a habit.

2022 0807

It's too late to be able to verbalize the strangeness and charm of Yasujiro Ozu's movies that can't be put into words. I've watched Yasujirō Ozu's films to some extent, so there's a fresh surprise that makes the dots seem like a line.I was also interested in, for example, in "The Hen in the Wind" (1948), where characters who create the illusion of being on stage look out the window and talk about the scenery. There was an answer about the production that the scenery is not reflected. In other words, it was a criticism of the fictional reality that movies have.In other words, it was a resistance to the zoomed-in representation of emotions that movies have, and the fakeness of acting as if the times edited in chronological order really existed. It is. It also applies to inserting shots of scenery in the window scene as if it were the subjective view of the characters.In other words, as a result of seriously pursuing what could be called the principle of cinema, rather than connecting set footage and live-action footage through editing to create a sense of reality, only the set footage, for example, would result in an unnatural screen. The conviction that wax is the right movie for me was what created the unnatural window scene.I believe that Yasujirō Ozu's capture of shots of the landscape, called sky shots, was part of this deepening process. I think the reason why he stubbornly avoided the reflection of the scenery outside the window is because he wanted the scene in the movie to be abstract. Or rather, Shigehiko Hasumi wrote it that way.