ロマン・ポランスキー監督作品 ローズマリーの赤ちゃんについて Directed by Roman Polanski About Rosemary's Baby



Hello. I'm surprised now, but Roman Polanski's life is amazing. This "Baby Rosemary" was released in Japan in 1969, but in the same year, the actress Sharon Tate, who was Polinski's wife, was slaughtered by the cult cult. I'm very interested in how I continue to process such a gruesome past and continue to make movies to the present day. And this movie is very interesting. I personally like stories that mix dreams and reality, but dreams are also used effectively in this movie. And John Cassavetes of "Gloria" (1980) is playing the leading role. When I was watching it, I like Polanski's camera work. The disturbing zoom in the scene of the laundry room where a woman who died for the first time in the story appeared was wonderful. The appearance scene of Mr. and Mrs. Castabet was also a strange scene where a flashy pink old man appeared from the darkness. I wrote about Polanski before, but since he is a writer with excellent details, there were some memorable scenes. Who wants Rosemary (Mia Farrow) to look in the mirror? I also want to use the scene where I ask someday. The key to this movie is where dreams and reality intersect from the scene of making children on the way. And it also takes advantage of the ambiguity of time in the movie. What it means is that the past and the future can only be expressed in the same video. In other words, when the cut changes, the viewer cannot be determined unless the creator puts some subtitles or lines, whether it is a year later or 5 minutes ago. Guy (John Casavetes) says that it is a dream to be raped by the devil in the story, but I don't know the truth.


2022 0508

ローズマリーとガイがカスタベット夫妻の家に初めて行った時に、ローズマリーとミニー(ルース・ゴードン)が手洗い場に、ガイとローマン(シドニー・ブラックマー)が部屋に残るシーンがあります。そこでローズマリーの主観で、部屋を見たときに部屋に煙だけが漂う不穏なショット、これは「ナインスゲート」(1999)でも多用されていた、悪魔の魔法のメタファーだと思われます。事実ここからガイはそれまで否定的だったカスタベット夫妻への態度を改めています。そして伏線の回収も上手ですね。ハッチ(モーリス・エヴァンス)の手袋が片方無くなる、という些細な出来事が、後半でハッチの葬儀のときに手渡される悪魔についての本で明らかになるシーンは、アナグラムの謎解きもそうですが、本当に面白いです。夢のシーンを観ていてフェデリコ・フェリーニの「8 1/2」(1963)に似ていると、思い調べるとドンピシャでした。タイムアウト誌の「映画監督が選ぶオールタイム・ベスト1995」でロマン・ポランスキーが選ぶ中にこの「8 1/2」が入っています。他のランキングを見てもよく入っているので、相当気に入っているようです。この映画はローズマリーの主観で描かれています。だからこそ、夢なのか、現実なのか分かりません。ローズマリーが病院から帰ってきて、エレベーターの前でお金を落とします。この前のカットも変なカットなのですが、僕はこのカット辺りから全て夢のような気がしています。それとここでかかる音楽が格好良いです。お金を拾うために地面に群がる男たちはローズマリーの男たちに対する軽蔑の意識の表れのような感じもします。そして有名なナイフを持って部屋を歩くシーン、目つきからして完全に狂っています。いやこういう話は大好きです。主人公がだんだんおかしくなっていく話は何故こんなに面白いのでしょうか。


When Rosemary and Guy first went to Mr. and Mrs. Castabet's house, there is a scene where Rosemary and Minnie (Roose Gordon) remain in the bathroom, and Guy and Roman (Sydney Blackmer) remain in the room. So with Rosemary's subjectivity, a disturbing shot of only smoke drifting in the room when you look at the room, this seems to be a magical metaphor of the devil, which was often used in "Nines Gate" (1999). In fact, from here, Guy has changed his attitude towards Mr. and Mrs. Castabet, who had been negative until then. And you are also good at collecting foreshadowings. The trivial event that one of Hutch (Mauris Evans)'s gloves disappears is revealed in a book about the devil handed to him at Hutch's funeral in the second half, so is the solving Anagram's mystery, but it's really interesting. When I was watching a dream scene and it looked like Federico Fellini's "8 1/2" (1963), it was just. This "8 1/2" is included in Roman Polanski's choice of Timeout magazine's "All-Time Best 1995" by film directors. Even if you look at other rankings, it's often included, so he seems to like it quite a lot. This movie is depicted by Rosemary's subjectivity. That's why I don't know if it's a dream or reality. Rosemary comes back from the hospital and drops money in front of the elevator. The last cut is also a strange cut, but I feel like it's all a dream from around this cut. And the music that takes here is cool. The men flocking to the ground to pick up money also feel like a sign of contempt for the rosemary men. And the scene of walking around the room with a famous knife, completely crazy from the eyes. No, I love this kind of story. Why is it so interesting to hear the story that the main character is getting crazy?