楊徳昌監督作品 ヤンヤン 夏の想い出について Directed by Edward Yang , About a one & a two



Hello. I've read a lot of other people's impressions. It was a movie with a beautiful screen. The story was quite complicated, and I didn't really understand it, but what Edward Yang challenged this time was pointed out by many people, but I thought it was overlapping the screen due to reflection. There are a lot of shots like the night view outside the window reflected in the shot through the glass, and if you think it was a real view, it was a glass view. This overlap is even in the story, even if it is not as blatant as a match cut, there is a scene where the behavior of the family person overlaps. I thought Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Tokyo Sonata" (2008) was quite influenced by this work.


2022 0506

エンドクレジットに蓮實重彦の名前が入っていて、何か出演したのか、協賛したのか、インターネットで調べてみましたが、何も分からず謎のままです。YouTubeエドワード・ヤンの作品が上がっていて、それを観ると、といっても翻訳がないので内容はさっぱり分からず映像だけを観たのですが、この「ヤンヤン 夏の想い出」(2000)はエドワード・ヤンフィルモグラフィーの中でもかなり変わった位置付けの作品だと思いました。こういうホームドラマは日本には倉本聰という天才が居たこともあり、質の高いものを観ている我々日本人からすれば、台湾という時代背景と密接に関係している今作のような作品はテイストは少し見慣れているし、話も難しいので、あまり僕は好きではありません。しかし、所々の演出がやはり良いです。ヤンヤンがプールに落ちるシーンは落ちたあと5秒くらいカメラが動きません。あれは完全に死んだ、という演出だと思いましたが、次のカットでは普通にヤンヤンはびしょ濡れで帰ってきます。あと女の子のスカートが捲れるシーンも良かったです。エドワード・ヤンの映像は「エドワード・ヤンの恋愛時代」(1994)「カップルズ」(1996)とかを観ても凄まじいです。少し大友克洋っぽさも感じますが、風に揺れるカーテンのモチーフは黒沢清が今でもよく使う手法ですが、ここから来ていたようですね。光と影の使い方が絵画のように美しく、本当に台湾ニューシネマの旗手として素晴らしい映画監督だったと思います。


The name of Shigehiko Hasumi is included in the end credit, and I looked it up on the Internet whether something appeared or sponsored it, but I didn't know anything and it remains a mystery. Edward Yang's work was on YouTube, and when I watched it, there was no translation, so I didn't understand the content at all, so I only watched the video, but this "a one & a two" (2000) is Edward Yang's f I thought it was a work with a pretty unusual position in the ylmography. In such a home drama, there was a genius named Satoshi Kuramoto in Japan, and for us Japanese people who are watching high-quality things, the taste of this work, which is closely related to the historical background of Taiwan, is a little familiar with the taste and it is difficult to talk about. That's why I don't like it very much. However, the production in some places is still good. The scene where Yang Yang falls into the pool doesn't move for about 5 seconds after falling. I thought it was a production that it was completely dead, but in the next cut, Yangyan usually comes back soaking wet. Also, the scene where the girl's skirt could be rolled up was also good. Edward Yang's video is amazing even if you watch "Edward Yang's Love Age" (1994) and "Couples" (1996). I feel a little like Katsuhiro Otomo, but the motif of the curtain swaying in the wind is a method that Kiyoshi Kurosawa still often uses, but it seems that it came from here. The use of light and shadow was as beautiful as a painting, and I think it was really a great film director as a flag bearer of Taiwan New Cinema.




I watched it again. I write that the story is complicated and I don't understand it well, but when I watched it this time, there was no such thing. It's a nasty comparison, but there's an important scene early in the story when Yang Yang's father reunites with his first love. There was a similar development in Shinichiro Sawai's "Shigure no Ki" (1998), which I recently watched, and compared to that, I felt that Edward Yang was overwhelmingly victorious.The reunion scene in "Shigure no Ki" is also strangely in an elevator, but I stopped watching halfway through to see how many detours we have to make before that reunion, so I vaguely remember it, but I'm sure it's in the elevator Tetsuya Watari. It was like Tetsuya Watari called out to Sayuri Yoshinaga, who was helping set up the venue for the wedding reception. In short, the performance is very dramatic.This may have been partly due to the fact that this movie itself was the first co-starring of the two stars in 30 years. There is a sense of speed or a sense of reality, such as starting an old-fashioned quarrel when things change.





The location under the overpass that appears impressively in the movie is very beautiful. The camera carefully captures the city with various expressions, such as the nostalgic feeling of long days at sunset and the mysterious feeling of neon lights at night. It is also a movie whose dialogue remains in the heart. Watching this time, I remembered the lines surprisingly.Once again, this work has a very high degree of perfection as a home movie. Images and dialogue are closely linked by metaphor.When I was watching, the last scene where Yang Yang tells her grandmother what she couldn't say to her grandmother's portrait reminds me of the ending of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Tokyo Sonata" (2008). There are various other gimmicks, and when I looked into it, Edward Yang passed away in 2007, and "Tokyo Sonata" may be a memorial movie for Edward Yang by Kiyoshi Kurosawa.