最近考えていること What I've been thinking lately

こんにちは。4月がもう終わりますね。色々書きたいことがあります。amazonでBrenna Thummlerの「Sheets」を買いました。まだ全然読めていませんが、というかやはり英語は難しいです。僕も中学英語くらいならギリギリ分かりますが、漫画で使われている会話は、おそらくもっと砕けているような表現で全く分かりません。僕はI Pad ProのGoogle翻訳アプリのカメラ機能を使って翻訳していますが、何かもっと良い方法が無いのでしょうか。あとスチールギターも買いました。絶妙に気の抜ける良い音が出ます。ハワイアンミュージックとか、ボサノヴァに合いそうです。フレットの指板の数字がローマ数字になっているのも気に入っています。ギター、と言っていますが演奏方法は完全に琴に近いです。そしてレオス・カラックスが最近気になっています。「ホーリー・モーターズ」(2012)とか最新作の「アネット」(2022)も凄いらしいので過去作も含めてもう一度観返したいです。


Hello. April is almost over. There are a lot of things I want to write. I bought Brenna Thummler's "Sheets" on Amazon. I haven't read it at all yet, but English is still difficult. I can barely understand junior high school English, but I don't understand the conversation used in manga at all because it's probably more shattered.I'm translating using the camera function of the Google Translate app of I Pad Pro. Is there any better way? also bought a steel guitar. It makes a good sound that is exquisitely relaxed. I think it will go well with Hawaiian music and Bossa Nova. I also like that the numbers on the fingerboard of the fret are Roman numerals. They say it's a guitar, but the way they play is completely close to the koto. And I've been curious about Leos Carax recently. Holy Motors (2012) and the latest work "Annette" (2022) seem to be amazing, so I'd like to watch it again, including my past work.




It's been almost a year since I started writing a blog. When I look back at what I wrote a long time ago recently, I'm surprised that I'm thinking about something completely different from now. Well, I haven't changed my basic mind, but I want to believe that I can grow even a little by writing a blog. I hope I can do my best in manga in May. I feel like I'm saying it every month.