吾妻ひでお カオスノートについて Hideo Azuma About Chaos Note


こんにちは。まず全然関係ないことを書きます。最近水木しげるの「恐怖 貸本名作選」を読みました。絵柄がまず貸本時代(1960年代)なのでアシスタントも使わずに1人で描いて時代の水木漫画です。なので後期のあの「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」などで知られる極端にデフォルメされたキャラクターとリアルな背景の絵柄ではありません。あとがきに京極夏彦が書いていますが、アメリカンコミックの影響を思わせる陰影だけのスタイリッシュな絵や、ストーリーも勢いで描いている感じがあってとても迫力があります。そしてやはりつげ義春水木しげるから多大に影響されていることを改めて感じました。話変わって音楽の話になりますが、最近ジミ・ヘンドリックスを聴き出しました。以前から良いのは知っていましたが、ちゃんと聴くと僕はレコードの印象とライブの印象が全然違うのが魅力の一つだと思います。これは勿論ゆらゆら帝国坂本慎太郎もそれに影響されているのは間違いなく、「3×3×3」とかは正にそれなのですが、レコードの暗い閉鎖された印象と、ライブの解放された音のギャップがとても良いです。




Hello. First of all, I will write something that has nothing to do with it. Recently, I read Shigeru Mizuki's "Fear Rental Masterpiece Selection". The design is the first time of lending books (1960s), so it's a Mizuki manga of the era when I draw alone without using an assistant. So it's not an extremely deformed character known for "GeGeGe no Kitaro" in the late period and a realistic background. Natsuhiko Kyogoku is writing in the afterword, but it is very powerful because there is a stylish picture with only shadows reminiscent of the influence of American comics and the story with momentum. And after all, I felt once again that Yoshiharu Tsuge was greatly influenced by Shigeru Mizuki. I'm going to change the subject and talk about music, but I recently listened to Jimi Hendrix. I knew it was good for a long time, but if you listen to it properly, I think one of the charms is that the impression of the record and the impression of the live are completely different. Of course, Shintaro Sakamoto of the Yurayura Empire is definitely influenced by it, such as "3×3×3", but the gap between the dark closed impression of the record and the released sound of the live is very good.


I fell in love with Hideo Azuma since "Disappearance Diary" (2005). He has the impression that he drew the world a little bit by gags, or rather, from a higher bird's-eye view. This "Chaos Note" (2014) is an evolutionary of "Absurd Diary" (1979). It's amazing to keep writing 250 pages that the picture is more dense and has no meaning at all. If you read this, it encourages you to have cartoon ideas everywhere. Everything that draws in the head of this kind of author feels like Mobius. And above all, all the girls who come out are reading cute things and it's a lot of fun. Girls are important, aren't they?

2022 0411


If you look at Jimi Hendrix, it may be obvious to someone familiar with it, but he died at the age of 28. His activity period is four years, which makes it a legend. And as a result of that investigation, I arrived at Gary Moore again and reaffirmed the goodness of Gary Moore.