トーマス・オット THE NUMBER 73304-23-4153-6-96-8について Thomas Ott About THE NUMBER 73304-23-4153-6-96-8


この作品もそうですし、「DEAD END」とか「CINEMA PANOPTICUM」を読んでも思ったことですが、日本のTV番組の「世にも奇妙な物語」シリーズに非常に似ています。少し違いますが、短い話に教訓を込めるという意味では寓話っぽくもあります。この「THE NUMBER 73304-23-4153-6-96-8」もこのタイトルの数字列に取り憑かれた刑務官の話ですが、こういう日常の中の非日常を取り出して拡大解釈する作り方は、伊藤潤二とかにも通じますね。しかし異なるのはトーマス・オットはサイレント漫画家だということです。サイレント漫画の特徴は物語から台詞を捨てることによってストーリーの解釈の多様性や、絵そのものを集中して見せることが出来ることがあります。そもそも絵は抜群に上手いのですが、この独特な暗い雰囲気の絵柄が良いです。こういう暗い作品を作れる人は中々日本には居ません。日本だとこういう系統は露骨にアングラになったり無闇にグロテスクに走ったりして、あまり質が良くありません。こういう上品な暗い漫画が僕は大好きなので、これからもトーマス・オットはチェックしていきます。 

Hello. I asked for it on amazon and came today. Thomas Ott is a Swiss cartoonist. He uses a scratch board, a black paper that is carved out with white lines, to create a dark, black-and-white screen that looks like a print. There was a video on YouTube showing what Thomas Otto was making, and when I saw it, I once copied the draft on tracing paper with a pencil and then dexterously made fine lines with a utility knife.If you search for "Thomas Otto" in Japanese, you will find only one blog, but other than that, it doesn't get caught at all, so it seems that there is no recognition in Japan. I think that the works of such excellent manga artists should be known more.

This is also the case with this work, and as I thought when reading "DEAD END" and "CINEMA PANOPTICUM", it is very similar to the "Tales of the Unusual Story" series of Japanese TV programs. It's a little different, but it's also allegorical in the sense that you can put lessons into a short story.This "THE NUMBER 73304-23-4153-6-96-8" is also a story of a prison officer obsessed with the number string of this title, but Ito is how to take out the extraordinary in everyday life and expand it. It also leads to Junji. But the difference is that Thomas Otto is a silent cartoonist.The characteristic of silent manga is that by discarding the lines from the story, it is possible to show the variety of interpretations of the story and the picture itself in a concentrated manner. In the first place, the picture is outstandingly good, but this unique dark atmosphere is good. There aren't many people in Japan who can make such dark works.In Japan, these strains are not very good because they are blatantly underground or grotesque. I love these elegant dark comics, so I will continue to check out Thomas Otto.