ヨハンナ・シュピリ原作 高畑勲監督作品 アルプスの少女ハイジについて Johanna Spiri's original work directed by Isao Takahata About Heidi, the Girl of the Alps




Hello. Isao Takahata passed away in 2018, and many TV programs featuring his achievements were broadcast in memory. There are many secret stories about this "Heidi, Girl of the Alps" (1974), and the introduction of a layout system that was revolutionary in Japanese animation, and the "Star of Giants" by Ikki Kajiwara at that time In an era when sports roots such as ) were mainstream, it was thought that seemingly sober animations that depicting everyday life indifferently could not be accepted by children. However, Japan in the 1970s passed the top of the high economic growth period, pollution problems, environmental problems, etc. were raised, and people's hearts wanted to return to nature, so Switzerland, it was a permanent neutral country, and the vast nature of the Alps was beautiful. The "Heidi, Girl of the Alps", which I drew, naturally became a hit. I myself have seen this work about three times, but the most attractive thing is the layout of Hayao Miyazaki. The layout was drawn in a superhuman schedule of 300 sheets a week, but there are many elements that lead to the filmography of Hayao Miyazaki's later years.


内容についてですが、アルムおんじは意外とすぐにハイジと打ち解けています。話はハイジの心の動きに丁寧に寄り添って進んでいきます。ハイジが初めて何かをする、何かを見る、その時にどういうふうにハイジが考えて動くのか、ということが本当にリアルに描かれています。僕は妹もまして子供も居ませんが、小さい女の子は皆ハイジのような心を持っているのだと思います。ハイジが初めてアルムおんじの家で眠った時の夢、「太陽の王子 ホルスの大冒険」(1968)のような演出がされています。小さい女の子が老人の心を癒す、というのは「赤毛のアン」(1979)でも「かぐや姫の物語」(2013)でも同じです。普遍的な物語のテーマなのでしょうか。


As for the content, Arum Onji is surprisingly quick to get to know Heidi. The story will proceed carefully to Heidi's movements. It's really realistic that Heidi does something for the first time, sees something, and how Heidi thinks and moves at that time. I don't have any sisters or children, but I think all the little girls have a heart like Heidi. It is directed like Heidi's dream when he slept at Arum Onji's house for the first time, "The Great Adventure of Horus, the Prince of the Sun" (1968). It's the same for "Anne the Green Gable" (1979) and "The Story of Princess Kaguya" (2013) that a little girl heals the heart of an old man. Is it the theme of a universal story?


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I watched up to episode 8. I just compare it to Isao Takahata's same TV series "Anne of Green Gables", but first of all, the gender of the narration is different. " It was a male voice in Anne of Green Gage, but in "Heidi, the Girl of the Alps", it is a female voice. This is probably to make it easier to empathize with Heidi. " "Anne the Greenhead" is said by Isao Takahata himself, but it's a project that started by thinking of the original as a humorous novel, so you need to look at Anne critically to some extent. The narration of a calm man represents the feeling of the viewer. On the other hand, "Heidi, the Girl of the Alps", is a narration for women. It usually enters the beginning or end of the story, but I will convey the main points of the story in an easy-to-understand manner and speak for Heidi's feelings. This usage of narration is ideal for children's animations. Even in the scene where Arum Onji talks about his own way of life by entrusting it to a hawk singing at a high place, he will explain it properly later in narration.


The sound of Mominoki in episode 7 is personally the white eyebrows of the part of the mountains of the Alps. Heidi's failure and his movement of his mind are beautifully animated. Watching it, I thought Heidi was a really smart child. I'm growing while trial and error, and if it's a company, I have the ability to hire it immediately. Certainly, a good child like this is unrealistic in a way. However, I think that Heidi is not a serious and exemplary child, but also the childishness of failing and selfishness is maintained by drawing it properly. The number of fingers on the hand may be 4 from time to time. If you look it up, it seems that there are 4 that look natural when you move with animation.


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Episode 10 "To the old woman's house" is a story about Heidi knowing the harsh reality of the outside world for the first time. Specifically, I know that there is a blind person who is blind, but it expresses the time in animation that only small children can accept the reality of those who are blind. There are scenes where the Onji of Heidi, who later found out that the goat white would be slaughtered, there are many things that can't be helped in this world, but Heidi, who lived in a world where he could manage on his own, knew the outside world. The scene is really a realistic performance even if you layer it with yourself like this. Such a detailed production enhances the perfection of the work. Even if it's a scene to say something, the way we receive it is completely different depending on whether you say it on the spot or if you go there once and come back. Is it just my imagination that Heidi is getting cute every time he repeats it? Heidi's voice actor Kazuko Sugiyama's performance is also inside out and angry, and his performance is fine.


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It's a very cruel scene to play with the goat Yuki, who was slaughtered in episode 15 "Yuki-chan", and the music is also very cruel. Both Heidi and Peter make it and enjoy it with a smile, but Heidi suddenly returns to me. The production of Heidi's expression and playing Yuki in this scene is projected with a cutback.


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Episode 17 "Two Customers" and Episode 18 "Away" depict the passing of your heart well. I can sympathize with both the interaction between the pastor and Onji Arum, who was worried that Heidi wouldn't come to school even when he was 8 years old. After the pastor leaves, Heidi asks if he can go to his grandmother's house, and he answers that Arumonji, who had said it was good before, is no good. I also remember that this common scene between adults and children, the behavior of children, depends on adult mood. Heidi has a little distance from here to Arumonji. And Dete will come back. Heidi was taken to Frankfurt as a result of being deceived, but the good thing about this story is that Heidi went to Frankfurt by himself from the perspective of Arumonji. Clara will appear from here, but it's still cute. The setting of Usuyuki no Ojosama is good.


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Episode 21 "I want to fly freely" is an excellent story that expresses Clara and Heidi with birds. If you look it up now, it seems that the episode of Pitchie that Heidi kept is not in the original story, and it is probably an episode added for this story. To put this story simply, Heidi will miss the bird kept in the bird cage with himself who wants to go back to the mountain, but the bird born in the bird cage does not have the power to live outside and comes back. You can see the beautiful composition of Heidi = Pitch, Clara = Bird. I'm smiling to see the pride of Heidi who grew up in the mountains and Clara who grew up in the house. The depiction of Heidi's mountain fantasy still feels a little like schizophrenia. " It was the same with Anne the Redhead, but the girl who is hallucinating must have a wound hidden in her heart. The development after this will gradually become a story about Heidi being cornered.

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I watched it until the final episode. The scene where the famous Clara stands is not actually the final episode 52, "Until the day we meet again", but the episode 50, "Stand up" two years ago. At the end of the game, Heidi's shadow fades and Clara is dug deeper. The scene where Heidi and Peter dream of Clara coming in the final episode reminded me of the last scene of "Heidi, Girl of the Battle Pompoko" (1994).