最近考えていること What I'm thinking about recently

こんにちは。11月終わりました。今年がもう終わろうとしています。今年は色んなことを新しく始めて、結構忙しく毎日の日々を過ごせたと思います。なんかもう年末の気分ですが、まだ12月が残っています。そしてやはり年内に一本ちゃんと漫画を完成させたいです。もう一ヶ月しかありませんが。別にアイデアが出ないとかではなく、頭の中にもう全て映像が出来上がってしまって後はそれを出力するだけなのですが、この作業が退屈です。思えば僕は絵を描く、という行為を10年近く続けていて、最早飽きているのだと思います。それに比べて音楽を作ることは今年くらいから始めたことなので、凄く鮮度が高いです。音楽を作るのは楽しいですね。僕は日常的に音楽を聴くので、それも関係しているかも知れません。最近は「Ghostly Kisses」とか「Skinshape」、「Dimention」を聴いています。音楽のブログとかも結構面白いです。本当に世に出ない知らない音楽がまだまだあることを改めて知りました。

Hello. November is over. This year is about to end. I think I was able to spend my days quite busy this year by starting a lot of new things. It feels like the end of the year, but December is still around. And after all, I want to complete the manga properly by the end of the year. I have only one month left.It's not that I have no idea, but that I have all the images in my head and I just output them, but this work is tedious. When I think about it, I've been drawing pictures for almost 10 years, and I think I'm tired of it anymore. Compared to that, making music started around this year, so it's very fresh. Making music is fun.I listen to music on a daily basis, so that may have something to do with it. Recently, I listen to "Ghostly Kisses", "Skinshape", and "Dimention". Music blogs are also quite interesting. I learned again that there is still more music that I don't really know about.


I have read only the touch part of Shuichi Kato's "Introduction to the History of Japanese Literature" and have not read all of it yet. However, I have a feeling that reading this book will deepen my understanding of Japanese history. There is a time when I am very interested in history, and I think that reading it together with Kanji Nishio's "History of the People" will cover a considerable range of Japanese history.If you think about why you like to look up history, you'll probably end up with nostalgia. I live conveniently in the modern age of civilization, thanks to the wisdom of many ancestors. I think there is a sense of awe for it, or more specifically, a sense of guilt. Of course, I don't always think about that. But always think about it when you happen to.