小津安二郎監督作品 小早川家の秋について Directed by Yasujiro Ozu About The End of Summer


Hello. Since I started translating English, it is Google's automatic translation, but I thought that it would be better for the theme to be taken up in the blog to be global for some reason, and Akira Kurosawa Mizoguchi Kenji is one of the Japanese film directors worldwide. I will write about Yasujiro Ozu, who is highly evaluated along . The first Ozu movie I saw was "Good Morning" (1959).The everyday scenery drawn with the characteristic low-position camera angle and the cutback ignoring the imaginary line left a very vivid impression on me. I have a lot of things I want to write and I'm wondering what to write, but I'll try to write as I can think of.


First, before writing about "The End of Summer " (1961), I would like to write some of the characteristics of Yasujiro Ozu's images. When I was researching Yasujiro Ozu around the time I wrote this sentence, all the characters of the movie director Kiyoshi Kurosawa died about Yasujiro Ozu's "A Hen in the Wind" (1948). I remembered that I was making a statement to the effect that it only looked like this.The details are described in detail in the PDF "Zombies in Ozu Movie" by Kensuke Masakiyo, but there is a scene where my wife falls down the stairs in the final scene of "A Hen in the Wind". As a result, my wife was safe, but the fact that a person who has fallen down the stairs and hasn't moved for a while rises up quietly is completely dead and alive from the perspective of the production. Although it has nothing to do with it, Kiyoshi Kurosawa seems to have been influenced by this scene, and this production was also used in "Tokyo Sonata" (2008) to mean the rebirth of his family.


Yasujiro Ozu's footage is highly suppressed and austere. The film technique is also completely complete, and the director's consciousness dominates the whole movie. The actor who plays in it naturally loses the freedom of acting. From here on, it leads to the story, but in other words, the characters are completely dead. He seems to be obliged to do something he never thought of.However, the acting is very real, and there are emotions and emotions. I felt scared of the imbalance. I am very curious about how I understood the scene of the conversation facing each other without moving while staring at the air with this Noh mask-like face overseas. In a sense, this production is Japanese. Since Japanese is originally a language with few gestures and no accent like English, it doesn't feel so uncomfortable to speak in a daze.It may also be due to the fact that they are not good at expressing emotions.


I wrote what I wanted to write for the time being, so after that I will write what I was interested in watching. There is an art gallery in the movie, and I was happy to see my favorite paintings by Tatsuo Takayama and Kaii Higashiyama. There were also many repeated lines. It's an eerie impression as a video, but the story is very peaceful, and the delicate power relationship between the father and daughter and their husband, and the father who steals the family's eyes and escapes from the house are comically depicted.I feel that Yasujiro Ozu has to watch a little more.

2021 1130

2021 1130
At the end of "The End of Summer", two couples appear in the riverbank. These two people have nothing to do with the main story, only this scene appears. And when he sees the smoke rising from the chimney of the crematorium, he says that it's okay because humans die but are born again. Obviously these two are not humans. I think it's probably a person close to God or Buddha.I couldn't help but remember this work when I watched "Tokyo Story" (1953) yesterday. Others have written it, but there are many things in common.