黒沢清監督作品 CUREについて  Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa About CURE



Hello. This movie is the one that has influenced me the most. I've seen it many times before, but it's still a good movie. Recently, I read and saw a blog about this "CURE" called "Writing a movie makes my head tired". This blog has written about "CURE" in the past, and I read that with great interest.When I read Isao Takahata's "Animation, Occasionally" about Taihei Imamura's "Manga movie theory", the person who wrote this "Writing a movie makes my head tired" was influenced by Taihei Imamura. I feel like.


2021 1120


What caught my attention when I watched it this time was how the actions of Takabe and the characters are connected across cuts. What I mean by that is the scene in the second incident where the teacher breaks the window glass and jumps down. It is a depiction of murderous intent for his wife. If you look at it in a natural flow, it looks like Takabe's wife who jumped out of this windowpane.Also, in the scene where Mamiya is caught in the hospital, there is no appearance of Mamiya in the room where Mamiya is cornered, and only his voice can be heard. This production is also a production where Mamiya does not exist and is another personality of Takabe. Then, when Takabe falls and collapses, the camera pans and the police enter the room. This is also a way to shoot as if Takabe was caught. And the scene where Takabe is said to have let Mamiya escape from the detention center.In this scene, until Mamiya explains it later, it looks like Takabe is going to kill the police officer and escape from the detention center. What I felt when I saw it this time is that Takabe = Mamiya = Fumie. The same goes for Mamiya's amnesia and Fumie's amnesia shown in Aohige's book descent. Also unrelated, but in the very first scene of this movie, in the background of Fumie's hospital, I feel like I can see something like a giant woman's face.Recently, I was reading Daijiro Morohoshi and felt that the characters in "CURE" and the characters in his work are similar. Every scene in this movie feels like a dream world. That's the feeling of being in a dream world. And Koji Yakusho is cool.The beginning is rather comical acting, but after confronting Mamiya, he becomes an empty person whose stress has disappeared, and it becomes somewhat empty acting. I also really like the way he says his lines, and it's good to have The beginning is rather comical acting, but after confronting Mamiya, he becomes an empty person whose stress has disappeared, and it becomes somewhat empty acting.



濱口竜介黒沢清が対談している映像がYouTubeにあって、黒沢清がこの映画について色々と聞いたことのない話をしていました。あの冒頭の青髭の本は精神療法の一つとして、とてもオーソドックスなものらしく精神疾患を持った患者に本の感想を聞くというカウンセリングらしいです。主演の役所広司には事前にアッバス・キアロスタミの「そして人生はつづく」(1992)を観せてこんな感じに演じてくれ、と言っていたようです。またこの映画の企画は元々高橋洋とタッグを組んでいた復讐シリーズの続編を作る予定だったものが、大映のプロデューサーに一応こういう企画もあるんですが、と提案したのがこの「CURE」だったそうで、それが偉く気に入られて実現したようです。近年の黒沢清のインタビューとかを見たり読んだりしていると、あまり映画の一つ一つに深く意味を持たずに観てほしいのかな、と感じます。映画人なので、周りにそういう批評やら考察やらする人間が多くてうんざりしているのかもしれません。勿論照れ隠しでそんなことを言っている可能性もあります。ですがやっぱり謎は気になります。僕の中で一番の謎は一番初めの犯人を高部が見つけるシーンです。その場面は手前で警官達が指示をしており、その後ろの方で高部が同僚に促され外に出るのを制止して、不意に屈み込み、小窓のようなものを開けるとそこに怯えた様子の犯人が居る、という場面なのですが何故そこに居ると分かったのか一切説明されていません。一つ思うのはまた対談ですが、黒沢清高橋洋が「復讐 消えない傷痕」(1997)で主役の哀川翔が妻を取り戻しに敵地に赴いたとき哀川翔が「何処にいる」と尋ね敵が「知らない」と応えると「もう死んでるだな」と応えるシーンについて、これはつまりこの登場人物は神様程の力は無いが、普通の人間よりも少し神に近い存在で、物語の運命に知らず知らず介入してしまう存在らしいです。同年に制作された映画ですから、それを意識していた可能性はあると思います。

There was a video on YouTube of Ryusuke Hamaguchi and Kiyoshi Kurosawa having a conversation, and Kiyoshi Kurosawa was talking about this movie that I had never heard before. The book by Bluebeard at the beginning is a very orthodox kind of psychotherapy, and it seems to be counseling, in which patients with mental illness are asked about their impressions of the book.It seems that he told Koji Yakusho, the lead actor, to watch Abbas Kiarostami's "And Life Continues" (1992) in advance and to act like this. Also, the project for this movie was originally planned to be a sequel to the revenge series that I had teamed up with Hiroshi Takahashi. It seems that it was realized because it was greatly liked.When I read and read interviews with Kiyoshi Kurosawa in recent years, I get the feeling that he wants people to watch movies without giving too much meaning to each one. I'm a filmmaker, so maybe I'm fed up with the many people around me who critique and consider things like that. Of course, there is also the possibility that he is saying such a thing with embarrassment. But I'm still curious about the mystery. The biggest mystery for me is the scene where Takabe finds the first culprit.In that scene, the police were giving instructions in the foreground, and in the background, Takabe was urged by a colleague to stop him from going outside. There is a scene in which the culprit appears frightened by the crime, but there is no explanation as to why he knew he was there.One thing that comes to mind is the dialogue between Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Hiroshi Takahashi in "Revenge: Indelible Scars" (1997). Regarding the scene in which the enemy responds "I don't know" and responds "He's already dead", this means that this character doesn't have the power of a god, but he is a little more like a god than a normal human, and the story It seems that it is an existence that intervenes without knowing the fate of.The movie was made in the same year, so I think it's possible that he was conscious of that.