門井肇監督作品 休暇について Directored by Hajime Kadoi About vacation


Hello. This movie is also one of the movies I have watched many times. I thought about the impression of the movie while watching the movie, so I thought it was important that I felt that way even if the director didn't really make it with that intention, so I will write it that way. .. Movies dealing with the special job of a prison officer are rare. It's a prison officer who feels more modest than a detective, but it's an important job.However, as you can see from the movie, it seems to be a very stressful job. The acting of the main character, Kaoru Kobayashi, is a wonderful performance of a man who has lived in the job of a prison officer. Kaoru Kobayashi is also good at acting like this, whether or not he has emotions, or acting like he is weak and staring at something.Tatsuya, the son of Mika (Nene Otsuka), the marriage partner of the death row prisoner Kaneda (Hidetoshi Nishijima) and the main character Hirai (Kaoru Kobayashi), is depicted as Kaneda as far as I can see. I thought it was. First of all, they have something in common. I like painting. There will be scenes where both Kaneda and Tatsuya draw pictures. And there were some places where these two people were connected to each other across the scene.For example, when Kaneda tries to go to bed at bedtime, he is told not to put his head out to sleep, and maybe he is drawing a picture of Hirai and Mika's marriage here. After this, the scene where Tatsuya and Mika are sleeping on the train is connected.At the beginning, can you see something interesting about Tatsuya Hirai on the train? I think that Kaneda = Tatsuya is probably correct because the window of Kaneda's room, that is, the cut of Kaneda's line of sight is connected after the scene where Tatsuya is staring at something from the car window. The feature of this movie is that there are many formal conversations. Among them, only Kaneda and Hirai seem to be talking to each other in earnest. It's like a friend and a parent and child.There is a scene in Kaneda's room where an old couple who seems to have been killed only once is reflected. The old couple isn't glaring at the pretty scary scene, they just smile and watch over. Perhaps I've been there all the time because I'm looking back at that place in the subsequent scenes. The suffering of the perpetrator's family is also depicted. The victim's family does not come for some reason.It's easy to see that prison officers have a crush on the criminals they've taken care of all the time, but that's until the criminal's death. But this is only a short time, and it is the same for couples and parents. The extent to which the human rights of criminals are recognized is a difficult question. It is often discussed on the Internet, but there is also the idea of ​​what is wrong with the death penalty for the person who killed the person.On the other hand, many developed countries have abolished the death penalty. I don't think I can say anything unless I become a party, but I think I should give the same punishment, so I agree with the death penalty. I've heard before that you can't be sentenced to death without killing how many people. Looking now, it seems that there is a "Nagayama Criteria" and the death penalty is decided according to it.